How To Connect AirPods To Android Phones

JAKARTA AirPods can be connected on devices with an Android system because the connection only needs bluetooth. Although it can be used, there are several features that will disappear when you use AirPods.

Quoting from Android Police, you can't access Fast Settings or Easy Installation, automatic device switching, automatic ear detection, spatial audio playback, style sensors, and Hai Siri support.

Anda juga tidak bisa mengakses pemeriksaan level baterai, integrasi Find Saya untuk mencari AirPods yang hilang, menggunakan EQ Adaptif, fitur aksesibilitas, dan berbagi musik ke pengguna AirPods lainnya.

Although AirPods can be used on Android phones, only a few AirPods models can be connected and used. Some compatible models are AirPods 1 to 3, AirPods Pro for the first and second generation, and AirPods Max.


Before you connect AirPods to the Android device that will be used, make sure that the power from the audio technology is fully charged. After that, take the following steps.

Keep in mind that you can't use AirPods that have been connected to iPhones or other Apple devices. If you've been used before, the device won't appear in the list of available devices.