Handling COVID-19, Using Wisma Athletes Is More Realistic Than Building A New Hospital

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives Kurniasih Mufidayati views the government's move to make the Kemayoran Athlete Village, Jakarta, into a Corona Special Hospital (COVID-19) more realistic than building a new hospital. According to him, Wisma Atlet Kemayoran is ready to use and has a lot of room.

"However, it must be ensured that all rooms are sterile and suitable for treatment rooms. And this building should be focused on isolating patients only, not for patients with severe conditions," said Mufida, in a written statement quoted on Sunday, March 22.

The politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (F-PKS) faction assessed that the current hospital capacity is increasingly insufficient and is mixed with other patients who have the potential to increase transmission. Therefore, he agreed to the conversion of Wisma Atlet Kemayoran into a Special Hospital for COVID-19.

"It is better to avoid turning all hospitals into COVID-19 Reference Hospitals, because they are resistant to non-COVID-19 patient services. Like the RSCM (Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta), as a referral National Hospital for all diseases, it would be better if you don't treat COVID-19 patients, "he said.

Mufida added that this step needs to be supported by the availability of sufficient resources of health personnel (doctors and nurses) equipped with good medical equipment. And what is more important is protection for COVID-19 fighters.

"The need for adequate PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) is a fundamental need to protect friends who are struggling at the forefront," he said.

The legislator for the DKI Jakarta I electoral district admitted that he had received many complaints about the low and inadequate stock of PPE for medical personnel. "Even in the regions there are those who think about modifying raincoats as PPE, this is very concerning," criticized Mufida.

Mufida hopes that with this special hospital, the need for protection and adequate nutrition for health workers can be fulfilled. "Because if there are health workers who are sick, they must also be rested and isolated for at least 14 days. That means there will be fewer medical personnel on duty," he said.

Even so, continued Mufida, the preparation of this special hospital must be accompanied by efforts to prevent transmission. "Do not ignore the strict application of social distancing, mobility restrictions, including the choice of partial quarantine in certain areas if needed," he concluded.

The plan for using Wisma Atlet, details are Tower 1, floors 1 to 24 for doctors and medical personnel. Tower 1 has 650 rooms that can accommodate 1,750 people.

Then Tower 3 from floors 1 to 24 will function as the COVID-19 Task Force Handling Command Post. In this tower, there are 650 rooms and can accommodate around 1,750 people.

Meanwhile, Tower 6 from floors 1 to 24 functions as an emergency hospital and inpatient rooms. In this tower, there are 650 rooms that can accommodate 1,750 patients. One room unit can accommodate 3 patients.

Tower 7 will be used for several functions, including 1st floor for emergency room, 2nd floor for ICU, 3rd floor for recovery room, 4th to 24th floor for inpatient rooms. In this tower there are 886 units and can accommodate 2,458 patients.