Examples Of Cases Of Law Violations Involving Ministers In Indonesia In 2021

JAKARTA - A number of ministers have stumbled on corruption cases. Of course, the names of the ministers are familiar and quite familiar to the ears. Who are the ministers who have tripped over a legal case? Let's look together below.

Edhy Prabowo's Legal Case

Who does not know the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Edhy Prabowo has been arrested because of the suspected fries bribery case. In this case, the KPK has named seven suspects as recipients of bribes. The seven suspects are Edhy Prabowo, Edhy's special staff and Deputy Chief Executive of the Due Diligence Team Safri (SAF), special staff Edhy Prabowo as well as the Chief Executive of the Due Diligence Team, Andreau Misanta Pribadi (AMP).

Then, Amiril Mukminin (AM) from the private sector / private secretary Edhy, the management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (ACK) Siswadi (SWD), and Ainul Faqih (AF) as staff of Edhy's wife. Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe, namely the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa (DPP) Suharjito (SJT), whose investigation has been completed, and is being tried in that case.

The reason why Edhy Prabowo is a suspect

In the case of the export bribery of lobster fry or lobster seeds, Edhy Prabowo was named a suspect in receiving bribes along with five other people, namely: Stafsus Minister of KKP Safri (SAF) and Andreau Pribadi Misanta (APM); Management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (PT ACK) Siswadi (SWD); The staff of the wife of the Minister of KKP, Ainul Faqih, and Amiril Mukminin (AM).

Meanwhile, the giver of the bribe was the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito (SJT).

Edhy was named a suspect because he was suspected of accepting bribes from companies that had been issued lobster seed export permits using a forwarder company and was kept in one account of up to Rp9.8 billion and US $ 100 thousand from Suharjito through Safri and Amiril.

The money that goes to the account of PT ACK, which is currently the sole cargo service provider for the export of lobster seeds, is then withdrawn to the accounts of PT ACK holders, namely Ahmad Bahtiar and Amri, for a total of Rp9.8 billion.

This money is used for shopping for luxury goods by Edhy and his wife in Honolulu, USA on November 21 to 23, 2020, amounting to around IDR 750 million, including Rolex watches, Tumi and LV bags, road bikes, and Old Navy clothes.

Juliari Peter Batubara's Legal Case

In an example of a case of violation of the law that followed was former Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Peter Batubara. In the Covid-19 Social Assistance Corruption case, the KPK determined Juliari Batubara, two committed officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs Matheus Joko Santoso and Adi Wahyono, and two businessmen Harry van Sidabukke and Aridan Iskandar as suspects.

The KPK suspects that Juliari circumcised Rp.10,000 from each Covid-19 Bansos procurement package for Rp.300 thousand. The total duwit thought to have received was Rp. 17 billion. coals that are suspected of corruption in Bansos funds.

Become a Corruption Suspect for Bansos COVID-19

In this case, the KPK named Social Minister Juliari Peter Batubara as a suspect in the COVID-19 social assistance (bansos) corruption. The determination of the Minister of Social Affairs suspect was carried out after the hand arrest operation (OTT) against 6 people, one of them was Social Minister Juliari's subordinates.

"The KPK named 5 suspects, as recipients, namely JPB (Juliari Peter Batubara), MJS, AW. As a provider of AIM and HS, ”said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri in a press conference at the KPK building, Sunday, December 6 in the morning.

MJS is Matheus Joko Santoso and AW namely Adi Wahyono. Both are Commitment Making officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Meanwhile, the two suspected givers, namely AIM (Ardian IM) and HS (Hary Sidabuke), were private parties.

The arrests of the suspects except Social Minister Juliari Batubara were carried out on Saturday, December 5 in the morning. The arrests began with information received by the KPK on December 4

Tens of billions of money were confiscated in this hand arrest operation. Those who were arrested were immediately taken to the KPK.

The KPK OTT was carried out in relation to the provision of social assistance for COVID-19 in the form of food packages at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2020 with a value of around Rp. 5.9 trillion with a total of 272 contracts and carried out in 2 periods.

Both of them Potentially Sentenced to Life

In the example of cases of law violation, former ministers Edhy Prabowo and Juliari Peter Batubara previously discussed the sentence of death.

However, the death penalty stipulated in Article 2 paragraph 2 of the Corruption Crime Law (Tipikor) can indeed be applied to suspects who have committed corruption in certain conditions, such as natural disasters. However, its implementation is not that easy because the KPK needs to prove the state losses caused by the actions of Juliari and Edhy Prabowo.

Finally, the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said that two former ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, namely Juliari Peter Batubara and Edhy Prabowo, could potentially be sentenced to life for their actions.

"Currently, the article being applied is related to the alleged bribery, which carries a maximum sentence as stipulated in the Corruption Act, which is life imprisonment," Firli said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, March 4.

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