Tokopedia Lays Off Employees After TikTok Acquisition, Ministry Of Trade: We Monitor First

JAKARTA - The wave of layoffs (PHK) continues to this day. This time, it hit the technology and information sector, namely Tokopedia. The company laid off after acquiring the TikTok Shop.

Responding to this, the Director General of Domestic Trade, Isy Karim, admitted that it was difficult for his party to communicate with Tikopedia to ask for an explanation regarding the layoff policy carried out by the company.

According to Isy, layoffs are carried out on the part of the work that is no longer needed. This decision is also considered a step of efficiency in the company's operations.

"I've called there, why are there more layoffs because there are redundant functions, those who have been laid off are more efficient for redundant functions, that's what is eliminated," he said at the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

"For example, there are Ministry A and Ministry B, each has a secretary general, there is an irjen, it's a redundant, that's what (the layoffs) are)," he continued.

Furthermore, Isy said, the authority of the Ministry of Trade cannot regulate labor problems.

Even so, Isy emphasized that his party will continue to monitor Tokopedia's operations after joining TikTok Shop.

"Yesterday, it was still monitored, if the layoffs were not our authority. But it's related to the effect, then this, we will continue to monitor it," said Isy.