Five Factions Agree, PAN Calling DPRD To Immediately Discuss The Release Of DKI Beer Shares

JAKARTA - Head of the PAN Faction at the DPRD DKI, Bambang Kusumanto, assesses that the DPRD leadership can immediately discuss the proposal of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regarding the release of shares of beer from PT Delta Djakarta Tbk.

This is because five party factions have already voted in favor of releasing the 26.25 percent beer stake. The five factions include PAN, PKS, Golkar, Gerindra, and PKB-PPP.

"Of the 5 factions that agreed on the divestment, if it is calculated based on the members there are already 50 members out of 106 DPRD members, I think that is more than enough to become the basis for the DKI Jakarta DPRD to immediately discuss it," Bambang said in his statement, Tuesday, March 16. .

According to Bambang, 2021 is the right time for the DKI government to sell these liquor shares. Because, in 2022 the term of office of Anies and Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria will end.

Then from 2022 to 2024, DKI will be led by the acting governor (plt). Bambang said that this position could not take strategic policies such as releasing beer shares.

"If it is postponed again until next year, it is possible that the release of these shares will never happen, and this will become a historical debt to the public," said Bambang.

Which is more profitable?

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's plan to sell the share ownership of PT Delta Djakarta Tbk beer has no end. The DPRD DKI leadership does not want to accept the proposed release of 210 million shares.

The profit-loss scheme is an issue that will be questioned by the DPRD if the beer shares are released. Responding to this, Acting Head of DKI Riyadi Regional Owned Enterprise Development Agency (BP BUMD) explained the profit comparison if beer shares were sold and maintained.

"Optimizing the benefits for development if PT Delta Djakarta shares are sold for Rp. 800 billion. This is the proceeds from the sale if the assumed price per share is Rp. 3,800," Riyadi said.

Riyadi said that the Rp. 800 billion profit would be used for 40 school developments. Each school is budgeted for Rp. 20 billion.

Then, the construction of 5 hospitals with a cost of IDR 150 billion each. Plus, 80 thousand clean water connections at a cost of Rp10 million each.

"If it is not sold, there will be revenue from PAD (dividend) with the assumption that an average of Rp 50 billion per year," he said.

From the profits earned per year, DKI Pemprov can build 2 school units. Also, DKI can build a hospital in the third year or clean water connections for as many as 5,000 units.