This Is The Reason The Minister Of Trade Zulhas Raises The HET Of Oilita: Rupiah Weakens

JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan proposed the highest retail price (HET) of Oilita to increase by Rp. 1,500.

The reason is because the rupiah exchange rate fell at the level of Rp. 16,000 per United States (US) dollar.

"I did propose an increase of Rp. 1,500, yes. Because it was also adjusted, in the past the rupiah was Rp. 14,500, now it is Rp. 16,000," he said at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

"I'm worried that if the exports are not adjusted, the numbers are much different, later we will be overwhelmed," he continued.

In addition, the man who is akrba called Zulhas said the price of Oilita also adjusts the prices of other staples such as rice. He said the HET of rice has also been adjusted to IDR 12,500 per kg from IDR 10,900 per kg.

"So the increase of Rp1,600 is rice. So it's time for Oilita (to rise)," he said.

Regarding the increase in the HET of Oilita, Zulhas admitted that he would hold a meeting with the internal Ministry of Trade.

However, if his party can decide for himself, he will immediately decide on the policy.

Nevertheless, Zulhas ensured that this HET increase did not change the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) rules.

"Later, if we can decide on our own, then we have decided. (DMO) yes still," he said.