4 Portrait Of Puteri Indonesia 2019, Frederika Alexis Cull When Her Face Was Damaged Due To Malpractice

JAKARTA - Puteri Indonesia 2019, Frederika Alexis Cull tries to get responsible according to Law Number 8 of 199 concerning Consumer Protection of the Republic of Indonesia for the malpractice of the beauty clinic that handled it in November 2020. As evidence, Frederika released several photos showing her current condition.

Frederika said the treatment she received was in collaboration with the clinic. All agreements are carried out officially. However, after receiving the first treatment in November 2020, Fredrika's skin immediately blistered as if it had been beaten.

"On that day, that night after the facial treatment I felt burning, couldn't sleep, I couldn't close my eyes", said Frederika at Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, March 15.

Not only was the part of her face bruised as if she had been beaten, but Frederika's jaw was also swollen. "One month of pain, one month I couldn't take a job", she recalls.

Because of the condition of her face, Frederika could not eat because her jaw hurt. "I was crying. I was afraid that my face would not turn back as usual", she explained.

Apart from that, Frederika also felt a psychological burden. She was afraid that her face would not return to normal. "I was very sad because my face was my asset. I was afraid I couldn't work anymore", she recalled.

Frederika's struggle to recover was also not playing. It took more money and time for treatment at a dermatologist. "I went to a specialist for treatment at my own expense. The clinic doesn't want to be responsible", explained Frederika.

Not only the face, but Frederika's hands were also affected by malpractice. "The marks of vitamin infusion on my hands were still bruised until the eighth day", she recalled, showing a photo of the documentation.

Yulia, Frederika's mother said that she immediately contacted the beauty clinic to ask for responsibility. "Already contacted when the incident occurred, the clinic staff sent someone who could not make a decision. There was no good faith, so I took a stand to report", said Yulia.

Yulia considers the clinic reported to have no good faith because the clinic does not cover the cost of medical treatment to a dermatologist. Lawyer Ruben Alexander Hutagalung hopes the police will immediately follow up on the report made by Frederika Alexis Cull. "We are following up on yesterday's report on consumer protection today. With today's information, I hope the police can continue to investigate", he hoped.