Issues Of 3 Presidency Periods Reappear, KSP: There Is An Agenda Formulated By Jokowi

JAKARTA - The issue of adding a presidential term to three terms is considered a hidden agenda from other parties.

Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said this plan could have been carried out as a step to bring down President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"The waana is now being blown by several parties with hidden agendas, which in essence want to bring down the president," Jaleswari said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, March 16.

In addition, this other party, who he did not mention, is also considered to want to disrupt political stability and divert the concentration of the president's work to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and restore the national economy and other development work.

After all, the issue of adding another term is not new. He said that this kind of issue had emerged since the 6th President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) entered his second term.

"The discourse for a three-term presidential term has actually appeared since the second term of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration," he said.

Jaleswari reminded all parties to stop expressing speculation regarding additional presidential terms. Moreover, President Jokowi has stated that he has no desire to add to his term of office and is still committed to reform regarding the limitation of the two-term presidential term.

"The president is committed to caring for the legacy of reform. Stop blowing the discourse that President Joko Widodo wants to amend the 1945 Constitution for a three-term term," he said.

"Don't disturb the peace of society with a hidden agenda," added Jaleswari.

Previously reported, the issue related to the addition of the presidential term was raised by the founder of the Ummat Party, Amien Rais. Through his YouTube account, he said there was an attempt by the Jokowi government to control top state institutions and this was considered dangerous.

In addition, in the video, Amien also suspects that the Jokowi regime will push the MPR session to make changes to two articles. One of them is changing the term of office of the president.

"So they will take the first step asking the MPR Special Session, which may be one or two articles, he said, needs to be corrected. Which, I also don't know, but later a new article will be offered which then gives the right that the president can be elected three times," he said as quoted. from the video uploaded on the Amien Rais Official account.

The polemic of this issue prompted President Jokowi to speak up. Through a video caption with a duration of less than five minutes, President Jokowi also spoke up. He emphasized that he has no intention of becoming a three-term president.

"What else should I say? Back and forth, my attitude has not changed. I emphasize that I have no intention. I have no intention of becoming president for three terms. The constitution mandates two terms. That is what we must protect together," said Jokowi. at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 15.

Jokowi said that in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties were asked not to increase the noise. Including, rolling out the issue of Jokowi wanting to increase his term of office as RI 1.

"Don't make any new noise. We are currently focusing on handling the pandemic," said Jokowi.

Spokesperson for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Fadjroel Rachman also said that President Jokowi has still adhered to the rules that state that the presidential term is limited to only two terms.

He said the President would also fully implement the term of office until 2024 and uphold Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution which reads: The President and Vice President hold office for five years, and after that they can be re-elected to the same position, only for one term.

"President Jokowi is perpendicular to the Pancasila ideology and the 1945 constitution, especially the two-term presidential term," said Fadjroel when contacted by VOI.