Rizieq Shihab To Judge: Please, Help And Help

JAKARTA - In the midst of the bad audio of the first trial, Rizieq Shihab had a special request to the panel of judges. Rizieq Shihab wants to be presented directly at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court.

Rizieq questioned the decision of the online trial which required him to be at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Meanwhile, lawyers, judges, and prosecutors are in the East Jakarta District Court courtroom.

Rizieq Shihab made this request many times. But until the trial was decided to be postponed to Friday, March 19, there was no statement from the judge regarding Rizieq Shihab's request.

"We have sent a letter to the Supreme Court to present the defendant in court. I really hope that the request can be granted. I thank you very much, God willing, I will follow this until it is finished as well as possible. Once again, please help and please grant our request, present me to the court", said Rizieq.

There are several reasons why Rizieq Shihab has rejected the online trial. First, the audio problem that occurs today is also a concern about technology being sabotaged.

"The online trial was very detrimental to me as a defendant", said Rizieq.

Even if the reason for the COVID-19 situation is for the trial to be held online, Rizieq Shihab mentions the health protocol that can be applied. He also alluded to the hearing of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, where the defendant was present at the trial at the Corruption Court.

"Why don't I? This is discrimination", said Rizieq Shihab.

"We agree that the trial should not be messy because it is in the national and international concern. If there is a violation of the law it will embarrass the reflection of the law in Indonesia", he continued.

After this request, there was another commotion. This was because the prosecutor asked that the indictment be readout. From the attorney's or legal advisor's table, a voice of protest came.

"Disagree, disagree", said the lawyer loudly.

What is certain is that the judge said that this trial was an 'arena' for Rizieq Shihab to seek justice. Rizieq Shihab was indicted for the Petamburan crowd case. He was charged with incitement so that a crowd appeared at the commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday and his daughter's wedding.

"We are forced to not continue with the reason that the audio is not bright, unclear. What is clear is that we are trying to try this case as well as possible. In this place, the accused are looking for justice. We are serious about maintaining the quality of this trial”, said the judge.