Bad Audio, Rizieq Shihab's Session Postponed Friday

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's trial in the Petamburan crowd case has been postponed. The reason is bad inaudible online trial audio.

"The trial was adjourned on Friday, March 19 at 9 o'clock", said the presiding judge at East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, March 16.

In today's online trial, Rizieq Shihab was at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Meanwhile, judges, prosecutors, and Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers are at the East Jakarta District Court.

From the beginning of the trial, voices were echoing and intermittent. Rizieq repeatedly complained about the audio because the voice of the lawyer's team was not heard.

The trial went noisy when the public prosecutor still wanted to read the indictment. Lawyer Rizieq Shihab protested.

Meanwhile, the judge said the trial couldn't continue due to audio problems. In fact, according to the judge, this trial was important for Rizieq Shihab to seek justice.

"We are forced to not continue with the reason that the audio is not bright, unclear. What is clear is that we are trying to try this case as well as possible. In this place, the accused are looking for justice. We are serious about maintaining the quality of this trial”, said the judge.