Indonesian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs: Peace Forces Will Be Deployed After The UN Mandate

JAKARTA - Sending peacekeepers, including to the Gaza Strip, can only be carried out after the United Nations mandate through a Security Council resolution, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

"So far, the United Nations has not discussed the issue of holding PKO (peacekeeping mission) in Gaza," said Spokesperson for II of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rolliansyah Soemirat, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 17.

According to Roy-his nickname, the current priority based on the resolution of the United Nations 2735 DK is to seek peace through a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group.

"The delivery of UN missions, whether related to numbers, compositions, types of expertise, at a later time, is always adjusted to the needs in the field," said Roy.

Previously, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto stated Indonesia's readiness to send peacekeepers to Gaza to guard and monitor the ceasefire between Palestine and Israel.

This readiness was stated by Prabowopadapadaforum IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2024 which took place in Singapore, Saturday (1/6).

According to Prabowo, contributing to creating world peace is one of Indonesia's missions on the international stage, including through an inclusive dialogue approach and concrete cooperation.

Regarding the Gaza conflict, Prabowo believes that all countries under the auspices of the United Nations must collaborate to find a way out in creating peace.

With collaboration from all parties, said Prabowo, he believes that there will be a way without violence that can be taken to reduce conflicts.

"Together with many other countries in the world today, the only real solution for lasting peace and security for Israel and Palestine is a two-state solution," said the President-elect of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 period.