Austria Sends Additional 10 Million Euro Aid To Ukraine And Moldova

MOSCOW - Austria's Foreign Ministry on Saturday (16/6) said its country would send an additional 10 million euros (IDR 176 billion) to Ukraine and Moldova.

Australia stands firm on the side of the Ukrainian people and has provided them with diverse humanitarian assistance from day one (conflict). Now, another 10 million euros have been provided from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Disaster Assistance Fund (AKF)," the Austrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry added that Vienna supports the efforts of humanitarian organizations in Ukraine and Moldova. The country allocates more than US$250 million (Rp4.1 trillion) of humanitarian aid to Kiev.

In particular, 6 million euros (Rp106 billion) from allocated funds have been sent to the Nachbar in Not organization to provide emergency assistance to those in need, including supplies of drinking water, food, and temporary housing.

In addition, reported by SPutnik, the International Red Cross Committee (ICRC) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will receive 2 million euros (Rp35.3 billion), the ministry said.

Ukraine on Friday (14/6) rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin's peace proposal within hours of being offered on the grounds that there was no new "proposed peace" from Moscow.

There is no new 'proposed peace' from Russia, and that Russia's leadership is lacking in assessing the reality," Ukrainian President Mykhailo Podolyak's adviser said in a statement on platform X.

Earlier on the same day, Putin told a meeting with Foreign Ministry employees in Moscow that Russia was making "concrete and real peace proposals" to Kiev.

"If Kiev and Western countries reject it as before, then it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of the bloodshed," Putin said.