Chairman of DPRD Denies Involved In Budgeting Corruption Of The 'Rumah DP Rp.0'

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD (Regional House of Representatives), Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, denies involvement in the procurement of land that was allegedly corrupted by the inactive Director of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya, Yoory C. Pinontoan.

However, the Secretary-General of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA), Misbah Hasan, disagrees. According to Misbah, the DPRD holds the expenditure item for the DKI Regional Budget (APBD). Also, Prasetyo serves as Chairman of the DKI DPRD Budget Agency.

"The budget for land acquisition for a Rumah DP Rp.0 managed by Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya will definitely be discussed by the DKI Jakarta DPRD Budget Agency. This means that the chairman and all members of the Budget Agency must know and approve", said Misbah when contacted, Monday, March 15.

From this case, Misbah sees the budget for land acquisition for a Rumah DP Rp.0, which is always approved without an adequate evaluation. In fact, there are BPK (Audit Board of Indonesia) findings that can be used as a reference for approving or disapproving of the continuation of this program.

"Because this budget is multi-year in nature, there should be an annual evaluation of the implementation of this land acquisition program. This is where the DPRD's negligence, in my opinion", said Misbah.

Misbah was reluctant to speculate on whether Prasetyo was involved in the procurement of the land for the Rumah DP Rp.0 that was allegedly marked up. However, he encouraged the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) to also summon Prasetyo to ask for further information.

"I encourage the KPK to also summon the chairman of the DKI DPRD as Chairman of the Budget Agency to be asked for information regarding this matter. What is clear is that the public wants to get information on why the capital investment budget for land acquisition is approved every year", he said.

Previously, the Tempo newspaper reported that Prasetyo was said to have played a role in arranging the allocation of land acquisition funds for Sarana Jaya. It was said that on November 14, Sarana Jaya received a PMD (Community Empowerment Service) of IDR 285 billion. However, in the next meeting chaired by Prasetyo, PMD Sarana Jaya was raised to IDR 1.285 trillion.

However, Prasetyo denied that he played in the procurement of homeland without a down payment (DP) in 2019.

"I don't feel like I'm playing, really. My function is only to hold the hammer to validate the requested budget", said Prasetyo.

As Chairman of the DKI Budget Agency, Prasetyo admitted that he only authorized the land acquisition budget for Sarana Jaya. Initially, the proposal was submitted by DKI Governor Anies Baswedan as an executive.

Meanwhile, budget discussions are in the DKI regional government budget team (TPAD) and the DPRD Budget Agency. Then, Prasetyo was said to have played a major role in the realization of this problematic budgeting.

"The ratification is in the hands of the BUMD (Regionally-Owned Enterprises), the executive. It is not just myself who carried out it. That was also the (submission) for the 2018 budget. The chairman of the commission was not me. The coordinator was also not me. How come my name is written in there, something wrong”, he said.