What Does Oud Smell Like? Dubbed Tree Fragrants From Heaven

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever met someone whose perfume smells are so impressive? Each type of perfume smells fragrant with different nuances. One of the perfumes that is currently popular is the aroma of oud. Maybe some are curious about what kind of oud aroma.

The aroma of oud is also known as the fragrance of agarwood aka agaruharu. Gaharu is a type of tree that is often used as a ingredients for making fragrances. Parfum with an oud aroma is also dubbed a tree fragrance from heaven'. So far, oud is considered one of the most pronounced fragrances in the world.

Oud fragrance is made from agarwood, a tree that grows in the tropics in Southeast Asian forests. To produce fragrances, the gate is processed by burning the wood or extracting it into atsiri oil. The oil is then used as a mixture of perfume.

Atsiri oil is extracted directly from the core of agarwood that has been affected by fungi. Only agares are infected with fungal attacks that can produce a type of fragrant resin. It is believed that in ten trees in the wild, there is only one tree whose wood will be affected by a fungal attack. That is the reason why fragrantgarwood is categorized as rare material.

However, thewood of agarwood that stores this exclusive fragrance is increasingly rare and difficult to find. So it is also natural that the price of agarwood is quite expensive. Some say that this wood sells for IDR 1.5 billion per kilogram. Given the high price, most perfumes with the fragrance of agar are produced with a synthetic oud.

Oud perfume offers a religious aroma taste. In this perfume, there is a sharp aroma, sweet, musky, and luxurious nuances. In addition, this perfume also presents a warm aroma and amoky with the aroma of wetwood.

The freshness of this attractive oud parfom is considered a very valuable and rare gift from nature. The aroma of oud can also build a luxurious fragrance, warm, and full of splendor when mixed with other essential oils.

The use of agarwood as fragrance has been going on since ancient times. This record is evident from various writings in ancient cultural holy books. In the Middle East, the tradition of burning agarau to produce fragrant smoke is still being carried out today.

Some ancient literature refer to agarwood as one of the typical objects found in heaven. In the Hebrew tradition, oud is considered a kind of ornamental. The King of Solomon is described as "appearing from the desert like a puff of smoke, with the fragrance of the nuts and cucumbers".

Records from central Vietnam in the third century AD stated that the extraction of agarama and exports to China and Japan. This wood was then burned as obstacle. The rich ancient Chinese people are known to make their coffins made from this scented wood.

When the use of agarwood spread to Europe, the French royal family really liked the fragrance of oud. King Louis XIV, known for his luxurious lifestyle, uses fragrances to wash his clothes.

In today's complex fragrance formulation world, agararu is increasingly popular. Lately, several well-known perfume designers have launched fragrances with an oud aroma. This perfume product with a wooden fragrance has also made a trend.

When used in perfume composition, oud is usually the basic aroma (base notes). The results of this mixture of perfume tend to last a long time on the skin after other scents disappear. Oud aroma is usually very rich, heavy, and long-lasting (up to six hours or more).

Oud also functions to increase the aroma of other ingredients; and in some perfumes, the fragrance itself is highlighted because it can provide sweet fragrances that are full of warmth.

That's an explanation of the aroma of oud, which is said to be one of the most expensive fragrances in the world. Oud perfume is suitable for those of you who want to have a warm aroma and luxurious nuances. Also read what fruit perfume smells like.

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