Minister Of Health's Explanation About Twice Vaccines Can Still Be Exposed To COVID-19

JAKARTA - Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained the efficacy of vaccination related to cases of exposure to COVID-19 even though he had been injected with the vaccine twice.

Minister of Health said, a person's antibodies will be immune to the virus after 28 days after injection of the second stage vaccine. So, if you have just been vaccinated, that person can still be exposed to COVID-19.

"Immunity is 28 days after the second injection. If he had the first injection and then he was exposed, he could still be hit.

After exposure to the second injection, he may still get it. Because of optimal protection, formed 28 days after the second injection, "explained Minister of Health Budi, Monday, March 15.

Minister of Health Budi said that each person's immune level is also different. There are antibodies that grow a lot, some have little antibodies.

"But with antibodies, if a virus enters, it can still be infected. But we will respond more quickly, our soldiers (antibodies) will respond quickly," he explained.

"So God willing, if we already have antibodies, the problem is not severe, we don't have to go to the hospital. But there is a possibility to get it and still be infectious," he continued.

Budi added, until now there has been no research that confirms that if you have been vaccinated you cannot transmit or contract COVID-19.

"It doesn't exist yet," he said.

Previously, NTB Deputy Governor Siti Rohmi Djalilah and her husband tested positive for COVID-19.

Through a short video sent via WhatsApp, quoted from, Sunday, March 14, Siti stated that she was well without symptoms.

"Alhamdulillah, I am fine, it is true that I was diagnosed with COVID-19, in the category of people without symptoms," said Siti.