DPRD Chairman Says Anies Is Responsible For Procurement Of Corrupted Land, Deputy Governor Riza Talks On The Contrary

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, assesses that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan is responsible for proposing the land for Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya, including those suspected of being corrupted.

However, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, is surprised that Anies is responsible for budgeting land purchases. According to him, council members in DKI are also responsible.

"I do not understand what the DPRD Speaker meant to say. To be sure, all development in the city of Jakarta is our responsibility between the executive and the legislature," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 15.

Riza said, all duties up to the authority have been regulated in statutory regulations. This includes all levels of the DKI Provincial Government, starting from the mayor, regional secretary, to regional heads.

"In the council, too. Starting from the chairman, deputy chairperson, fraction chairman, commission chairman, to the members all of which have been assigned their functions and positions of authority," he said.

Previously, Prasetyo had said that Anies was responsible for the approval of the land budget, including the land for the Rp0 DP house which was allegedly corrupted by the non-active Managing Director of Sarana Jaya, Yoory C. Pinontoan.

"The governor is responsible. The governor knows, really. That's why I said earlier in the meeting with Sarana Jaya, how come the Deputy Governor of DKI cannot answer and does not understand the problem of the zero rupiah DP program?" Prasetyo said.

As Chairman of the DKI Budget Agency, Prasetyo admitted that he only authorized the land acquisition budget for Sarana Jaya. Initially, the proposal was submitted by DKI Governor Anies Baswedan as an executive.

Meanwhile, budget discussions are in the DKI regional government budget team (TPAD) and the DPRD Banggar. Then, Prasetyo was said to have played a major role in the realization of this problematic budgeting.

"The ratification is in the hands of the BUMD, the executive. It is not just myself who carried out it. That was also the (submission) for the 2018 budget. The chairman of the commission was not me. The coordinator was also not me. How come I suddenly said my name. My name is, this is delicious, it's not delicious. It's horribly delicious, ”he said.