Member Of DPR F-PKS Objection Having To Swab PCR When Flying To West Kalimantan: Can Vaccines Be Free Without Testing?

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR RI Alifudin objected to the application of the PCR swab test for flights to West Kalimantan. This is because the policy, according to Alifudin, is only applied to trips to the area.

“Minister, there are aspirations too, that going to West Kalimantan is not using anti-genes, but PCR, sir. In April, many children living on the island of Java will return to West Kalimantan. So many parents objected and asked me, should it be equated with another airport, ”said Alifudin in the DPR Commission IX Meeting with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Manpower and other partners at the DPR building on Monday, March 15.

As is known, each person on average has to spend Rp. 900 thousand to Rp. 2 million to get the test results from the PCR Swab.

In this regard, said Alifudin, many residents complained that they had to pay an expensive additional fee for one trip. Moreover, the time to wait for the PCR results is also not short.

In fact, Alifudin said that on March 26 there would be a working visit to the West Kalimantan electoral district which required Legislative members to prepare a PCR Swab.

"Because the government policy to travel to each region must show test results, there is a PCR, Rapid Anti-Gen Test, or with GeNose at the airport location," added Alifudin.

Therefore, this PKS politician questioned the vaccination program and policies of the West Kalimantan Regional Government for migrants.

"We have just returned from the Electoral District of West Kalimantan 1, many are asking about vaccines, can the policy for citizens who have been vaccinated travel without test results, when will it be realized?" Asked Alifudin, the legislator of the Electoral District of West Kalimantan.

The Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, immediately answered Alifudin's question. He emphasized that residents who have been vaccinated cannot fly freely without a COVID-19 test result, because epidymologists still do not agree on this, even though every citizen who has been vaccinated has received a certificate.

"You can't (use a vaccine certificate, red) sir," said Health Minister Budi Gunadi.

However, Budi promised to communicate with regard to waiving the obligation to perform PCR if he traveled to West Kalimantan.

"Regarding the obligation of the PCR Swab in West Kalimantan, we will coordinate it with the West Kalimantan Kadinkes after this meeting," said Budi.