Kendari Police Destroy 2 Tons Of Illegal Traditional Alcohol

KENDARI - Kendari Police, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), destroyed 2,040 liters or 2 tons of illegal traditional liquor at the Kendari Police.

Kendari Police Chief Kombes Aris Tri Yunarko said the 2 tons of traditional liquor were the result of the action of Operation Pekat Anoa 2024 which was held for two weeks in the jurisdiction of the Kendari Police.

"A total of 2,040 liters or approximately two tons of traditional liquor and 329 bottles of branded liquor were destroyed today, all of which were the result of Operation Pekat," said Aris Tri Yunarko as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 14.

He said the implementation of the Pekat Operation was an effort from the police, in this case the Kendari Police, to create an atmosphere that was safe and conducive in the Kendari Police area.

"We all know that alcohol is often the root of the crime problem in Kendari City," he said.

Aris Tri explained that the confiscation of liquor was also in order to reduce the number of crimes in Kendari City, because several crimes occurred in the area due to the consumption of alcohol.

"This is one of the triggers for the crime rate, and this is a priority, both in concentrated operations and in usual days," explained Aris Tri.

Operations will continue to be carried out massively to create a safe and comfortable situation in the jurisdiction of the Kendari Police.

"This is for the sake of creating a safe and conducive Kamtibmas atmosphere," he said.

Aris Tri also asked the DPRD and the Kendari City Government (Pemkot) to issue policies in the form of Regional Regulations (Perda) related to the prohibition on consuming liquor.

"We also hope that community and community leaders ask the DPRD and Kendari City Government to make a regional regulation on the prohibition of alcohol," added Aris Tri.