Dishut Lampung Ensures The Animals That Appear In The Golden Cat Village

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Forestry Service (Dishut) of Lampung Province stated that the emergence of wild and protected animals in Sukaraja Village, Gedong Tataan Pesawaran Regency is a gold cat (Catomatemminicki).

"We make sure that the wild and protected animals found in Sukaraja Village, Gedong Tataan Subdistrict yesterday were not Sumatran tigers (Pantheratgrissumatrae) but gold cats," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Forestry Service, Yanyan Ruchyansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Friday., June 14th

He said that the Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Section of Conservation Region III had carried out a funeral based on photos of wildlife sent by the community to ensure that the animal was not a Sumatran tiger but a gold cat.

"Regarding the encounter with the wildlife, KPHK Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman has conducted a ground check to the location to confirm the report. As well as coordinating with the Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Center for the Conservation Section Region III to bring the gold cat back into the forest area," he said.

He explained that the golden cat (Catopuma temminicki) is usually called a goldencat or firecat, including protected animals and many golden cat habitats found in the Sumatra region.

"This animal is one of the animals that was campaigned for to prevent its extinction. The main characteristic of this gold cat is almost all gold brown, according to its name the gold cat. But there are also gray or dark chocolate," he said.

According to him, the golden cat is also a protected wild animal that is difficult to catch, because it has agile characteristics and can disappear immediately in the bushes if it feels threatened.

"Based on information from the Pengelola Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Wan Abdul Rachman, his party has never conducted another inventory. So it is not certain where the origin of the gold cat came from. There is a high possibility that the wild animal is one of the protected animals in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman as well as the stone cat (Pardofelis marmorata) which is indeed in the area," he added.