DPRD Urges DKI Provincial Government To Publicize Naughty Developers In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD urges the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, in this case the Inspectorate, to publish a list of rogue developers who do not submit their obligations to pay for social facilities and public facilities (fasos-fasum).

Deputy Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Inggad Joshua, emphasized that currently there are still many developers who do not carry out their obligations and instead lease these assets to other parties.

"Our hope is that the Inspectorate must be able to publish so that the public knows who is the naughty developer and even leases local government assets that should be the fasum social facility but do not enter the regional treasury," said Inggard in his statement, Friday, June 14.

Inggad assessed that disclosing the names of developers holding permits for the appointment of the use of tanan (SIPPT) or uncooperative land use allocation permits (IPPT) could provide a deterrent effect.

This is because the DPRD has received many reports from the mayor regarding obstacles in collecting social and public facilities. There is no submission of social facilities, which is considered to be detrimental to the DKI Provincial Government.

"We often get reports from mayors how difficult it is to collect Fasos Fasum because there are things that have been managed by developers, some even up to 15 years," explained Inggad.

Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Misan Samsuri, assessed that the DKI Provincial Government has not yet optimized the collection of developer obligations for the social-fasum assets that must be submitted.

Misan said, there are still many assets that have not been handed over by the developer to the DKI Provincial Government. In fact, there are also assets that are owned that have not been properly recorded.

"The issue of these assets is important because many assets are now not fully recorded or there are also many developers who have not submitted their social facilities obligations to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Misan, some time ago.

Collection and listing of assets is also a note from Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD on the 2023 APBD Accountability Statement Report (LKPJ).

"This must be improved again next year," said Misan.