Six Smugglers Of 74 Kilograms Of Methamphetamine Sentenced To Death
The panel of judges at the Idi District Court, East Aceh Regency, sentenced six defendants of smuggling methamphetamine with the death penalty in two separate cases.
The death penalty was read out by the panel of judges chaired by Asra Saputra accompanied by Zaki Anwar and Tri Purnama respectively as member judges at the trial at the Idi Court in East Aceh, Thursday, June 13.
The defendants who were sentenced to death consisted of the first case, namely related to the smuggling of 74 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine consisting of Muhajir (37), Adiyan (48), M Samin (29), and Nurdin Juned.
As well as the second case with evidence of 30 kilograms of methamphetamine with two defendants, namely Rusli and Fakrurrazi.
The defendants attended a virtual trial from the Class IIB Idi Correctional Institution (Lapas), where they had been detained so far. The defendants attended the trial accompanied by Emma Fiana, a legal advisor from the Idi District Court Legal Aid Post (Posbakum).
The verdict of the panel of judges is in accordance with the demands of Public Prosecutor Ricky Rosiwa from the East Aceh District Attorney which was read out at the previous trial.
The panel of judges in their decision stated that the defendants were legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics.
The four defendants of smuggling 74 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine were arrested by the NIC Task Force Dittipidnarkoba Bareskrim Polri together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Type Customs C Lhoksemawe in East Peureulak Waters, East Aceh Regency, after December 12, 2023.
Meanwhile, the defendant Rusli and the defendant Fakrurrazi were arrested when they were about to smuggle 30 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in Kuala Ujung Waters, Pereulak District, East Aceh Regency on December 3, 2023. Both were arrested by the joint team of Bareskrim Polri together with Customs and Excise.
Regarding this decision, the public prosecutor expressed his thoughts. Likewise, the defendants also expressed their thoughts on whether to accept the judge's decision or file an appeal legal action.