3 Police Generals Who Get 2024 Civil Positions, The Number Will Increase

YOGYAKARTA The general police who get a civil office in 2024 may increase in number, if Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi is appointed as Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

Previously, Assistant Chief of the National Police for Human Resources (HR) Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo confirmed that Ahmad Luthfi's name was submitted as an irjen at the Ministry of Trade. However, he said that the submission was still waiting for the results of the Final Assessment Team (TPA) and the presidential decree (keppres).

"Therefore, the echelon I position is waiting for the TPA and the presidential decree first," said Dedi to reporters, Monday, June 10, 2024.

If Ahmad Luthfi is appointed as Inspector General of the Ministry of Trade, the number of police generals occupying civilian positions by 2024 will increase, from three to four people.

So, who are the Police Generals who have received civil office until mid-2024? Check out the full information below.

1. Komjen Pol Setyo Budiyanto

Setyo Budianyo is a High Officer (Pati) of the National Police who was appointed as Inspector General at the Ministry of Agriculture. The inauguration procession was held on March 22, 2024.

At that moment, Agriculture Minister Andri Amran Sulaiman hoped that Setyo Budiyanto could prioritize preventive efforts to anticipate corruption.

The Minister of Agriculture also asked the new Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture to solve the post-casys problem which recently dragged a number of names at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"You've been in the police, you've been at the KPK, surely you know what to do. I ask for collaboration with various parties. We want us to be better than the previous five years," Andi said, quoted from the Ministry of Agriculture website, Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Less than a month after the inauguration. Setyo Budianto was promoted from Inspector General (Irjen) to Commissioner General (Komjen).

Before being inaugurated as Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture, this 1989 Police Academy graduate had served as North Sulawesi Police Chief. The position has been held since October 14, 2022.

In addition, Komjen Pol Setyo Budiyanto also served as Director of KPK Investigations in 2020. Then became the NTT Police Chief in 2021, before finally being transferred to the North Sulawesi Police Chief.

2. Komjen Pol Reynhard SP Silitonga

The police general who will receive the next 2024 civil office is Komjen Pol Reynhard SP Silitoga. On April 5, 2024, Reynhard was inaugurated as Inspector General at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

After holding civilian positions at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Pati Polri was promoted from Inspector General to Komjen.

The man who was born on September 8, 1967, previously served as Director General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2020. In the same year, he also held the position of main Widyaiswara Sespim Lemdiklat Polri.

Several strategic positions in the National Police that were once occupied by Reynhad, namely the North Sumatra Regional Police's Directorate of Drugs (2015), the Director of Drugs and Drugs at the Central Java Police and the Head of the Banhatkum Divkum Polri (2016), and the Irbidjemen SDM II Itwil V Itwasum Polri (2018).

3. Inspector General of Police Risyapudin Nursin

Finally, there is Inspector General of Police Risyapudin Nursin who has just been appointed as Director General of Land Transportation at the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). The inauguration procession will be held on June 6, 2024.

Before holding civilian positions at the Ministry of Transportation, this two-star general had served as the Chief of Staff Expert Staff Coordinator of the National Police. Riyaspudin Nursin held the position since October 14, 2022.

Born on November 15, 1966 in Jakarta, Riyaspudin Nursin started his career in the police after graduating from Police Academy in 1989.

Several strategic positions that were occupied by Inspector General Riyaspudin Nursin during his career, namely Deputy Chief of Police of South Sulawesi (2018), Karojianstra Sops Polri (2018), Kakorbinmas Baharkam Polri (2020), and North Maluku Police Chief (2020).

That's information about the police general who gets a civil office in 2024. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.