Pekanbaru District Court Sentenced To Death 2 International Network Drug Couriers

The panel of judges at the Pekanbaru District Court, Riau Province sentenced two defendants to be drug couriers of 64 kilograms (kg) of international networks, namely Syadfiandi Adrianto and Alamsyah. The verdict is in accordance with the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU).

Head of the General Crimes Section (Pidum) of the Pekanbaru District Attorney's Office (Kejari) M Arief Yunandi confirmed the decision. "That's right. The panel of judges chaired by Jefri M Harahap has read out the verdict online in the case, last Monday," he said, Wednesday reported by ANTARA.

According to Arief, the judge in his decision agreed with the prosecutor's demands. The judge stated that the two defendants had been legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law (UU) Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

In their consideration, Arief continued, the panel of judges considered that there were no mitigating factors against the defendants who were drug couriers of the type of shabu-shabu as much as 64 kg.

Meanwhile, for burdensome things, the judge agreed with the prosecutor's consideration, namely that the actions of the defendants were contrary to government programs in eradicating narcotics trafficking and damaging the mentality of the younger generation.

The defendants were also involved in the national narcotics network and had been sentenced to prison in a narcotics case. The defendants have twice been couriers for narcotics rickshaws of the type of methamphetamine according to brother Abang's order who is currently still being chased.

The defendants had received a salary of Rp. 5 million to work to help, pick up, and store evidence of the narcotics. If all of them are successfully picked up, the defendants will be given a wage of Rp. 2 million per kg.

Based on this decision, the defendants immediately filed an appeal.