PLN Boss Asked 54,000 Employees To Become Marketing For The New PLN Mobile Application

JAKARTA - PT Perusahan Listrik Negara or PLN (Persero) encourages digitalization of services by launching the New PLN Mobile application. This application is here to answer all the needs of customers in the electricity sector with sophisticated and futuristic packaging in one hand.

President Director of PLN, Zulkifli Zaini, said that PLN has an obligation to provide electricity that meets applicable quality and reliability standards. Therefore, all employees must re-demonstrate their commitment to fulfill the rights of PLN consumers in Indonesia by digitizing services through New PLN Mobile.

Furthermore, Zulkifli invited all PLN employees to socialize and promote New PLN Mobile to all PLN customers as an application that can make it easier for customers to access PLN services.

Zulkifli said, the level of service quality is one indicator to carve out the level of service to consumers and must be met in each service unit.

"Every employee is actually a marketers (marketer) for the company where he works. PLN currently has more than 44 thousand employees plus more than 9 thousand subsidiary employees of the company," he said, in a virtual discussion entitled 'Care and Protect Consumers: Fulfill Their Rights. Consumers with Digitalization of Services', Monday, March 15th.

Zulkifli believes that if all PLN employees, both central and subsidiary, also socialize and promote New PLN Mobile, the number of customers using this application will increase rapidly.

"We need to change the mindset and way of serving customers. We have to change from being a regular serving person to being a loyal self-service culture. We must change from a focus on capacity building to a focus on driving and understanding customer needs from supply driven to demand driven mindset," he said.

According to Zulkifli, all PLN directors and employees are consumers, PLN customers as well as servants. Therefore, he asked, to work wholeheartedly to fulfill their own rights and also the rights of more than 78 million PLN customers in Indonesia to get the convenience of digitizing services through New PLN Mobile.

"We always have to work better than the expectations of the assignor and we must always serve better than the expectations of our customers," he said.

In particular, the rights of PLN customers are regulated in Law Number 30 of 2009 concerning electricity in Article 29 paragraph 1, namely:

1. Consumers deserve good service.

2. Receive electricity continuously with good quality and reliability.

3. Obtaining the electric power that is due to him at a fair price.

4. Receive repairs if there is a power failure and receive compensation if a blackout is caused by an error and / or negligence by the electricity supply business license holder according to the conditions stipulated in the power purchase agreement.