Innalillahi wa Innalillahi Rojiun, Anton Medan Dies
JAKARTA - H. Ramdhan Effendi or Ustaz Anton Medan was informed dies, Monday, 15 March at 14.50 Western Indonesia Time. This is confirmed by the General Chairman of Tionghoa Islam Association (PITI), Ipong Hembiring Putra.
"Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun...already passed to the side of God.. Mr. H. Ramdhan Effendy or Ustaz Anton Medan, on Monday (15/03) at 14.50 Western Indonesia Time in his home in Kampung Sawah, Ragajaya, Bojong Gede District - Bogor," said Ipong.
Anton Medan died in his home, which is located in Cibinong, Bogor. And from the news, the deceased will be soon buried.
As for Anton Medan, he had a long record of his life. Where since teenager he had been involved in some cases. Start from robbery, gambling, to thuggery.
However, over time, this Tionghoa name owner, Tan Hok Liang repent. He then became a mualaf in 1992.
Even Anton Medan is currently known as a good figure that shares a lot of good with the people around him.
Anton Medan became the Chairman of the Indonesia Tionghoa Islam Association (PITI) since 2012. He built a mosque which is named Tan Hok Liang Jami' Mosque.