Pay Attention To The Sitting Position In The Car, So That The Driving Is More Comfortable

JAKARTA - Driving a car requires comfort. This is necessary so that the body remains relaxed while driving the car on the road.

Conversely, if the sitting position is not right while driving, then what can happen is that the body becomes tired quickly. So that it can endanger himself and also people in vehicles and other road users.

Launching from Mitsubishi Motors Indonesia, National rally racer Rifat Sungkar as well as safety driving ambassador shared some tips for comfortable driving. One of them is paying attention to sitting position while driving.

"When driving, the most important thing is that the sitting position must be truly ergonomic. Make sure your back is attached to the back rest or seat back. In addition, adjust the backrest so that you lean at an angle of about 100 degrees," said Rifat in his official statement, Monday, 15. March.

Position the body to sit back at the right angle by reducing the pressure on the lower back so that it will make driving comfortable. Keep in mind, it's best to adjust the sitting position before traveling so that you feel comfortable.

Second, try to position your hands to move freely while driving. This is important because the hands have a full role to control the steering wheel and gear lever. It is better if the body is upright and forms an angle of 100-115 degrees.

"To do this, imagine the steering wheel that you control resembles a wall clock. Position your left hand according to 9 o'clock and your right hand at 3 o'clock. The position of the steering wheel is adjusted according to body posture, this is supported by the Tilt or Telescopic Steering feature on each car model. which allows the driver to adjust the steering wheel up and down, and back and forth according to the driver's comfort, "said Rifat.

Third, apart from the hands, the position of the legs while driving should not be too bent or too straight. The reason is, the correct position of the feet while driving will prevent knee pain. Adjust the position of this leg by adjusting the driver's seat back and forth.

Fourth, pay attention to the height of the chair and be adjusted to the posture. Position the chair so that your hips are parallel to your knees and lift the chair higher if you can't see the windshield clearly.

In addition to adjusting the sitting position, also pay attention to the time you drive because according to Rifat the treatment is slightly different when driving at night. Indeed, according to a survey of drivers in Indonesia who drive during the day dominates by 80 percent.

"So driving at night must pay attention to the corner of the corner and have to feel it clearly. If during the day the settings are right, but at night the visibility is different so there must be a slight adjustment, at least adjusting the seat about 1 or 2 cm higher when driving in at night to get proper visibility, "he explained.

If the sitting position while driving is correct, then you can feel comfortable during the trip. But most importantly, if an accident occurs, sitting correctly can prevent more fatal injuries to the body.