Do Goat Meat For Sate Need To Be Washed Or Not? Here's The Answer And Some Of The Medical Reasons

YOGYAKARTA - Every time before Eid al-Adha, the processed season that is so popular and not complicated is processed satay. But does goat meat for satay need to be washed or not? Let's see the discussion below!

The reason is because the taste is delicious and the ingredients used are very easy to find, satay is a favorite food to process sacrificial meat. However, even though it is so processing goat meat so that it doesn't smell prengus, it's not easy. You can read: How to Marinaize Goat Meat for Sate' so that it is easier to process it.

If goat or cow meat is washed first before boiling, it can sharpen the smell of amis and make the meat at risk more tough. So, it would be nice if the meat was immediately cooked or boiled so that the satay is delicious and also soft.

Washing Sacrificial Meat Can Potentially Spread Diseases

Responding to this, apparently veterinarian and livestock expert from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Supratikno believes that sacrificial meat such as cattle and goats this year should not be washed.

This was done because there was an outbreak of mouth and nail disease (PMK) which was infecting livestock in several parts of Indonesia.

"Actually, if the meat is clean, it doesn't need to be washed, it can be cooked immediately. But in the current condition, the washing water is at risk of flowing into the surrounding environment," Tikno said on Tuesday (7/6/2022).

According to him, currently environmental conditions are in an emergency phase, meaning that there are some things that should not be done to minimize the transmission of the PMK outbreak. Therefore, after the sacrificial meat is obtained, it should be boiled immediately until it boils or can be placed in the refrigerator 24 hours before being frozen. Tikno said that the erosion is carried out so that the virus attached to the meat can die. This method does not only apply to goats but also other sacrificial meat.

"If you want to cook, just cook it immediately, the important thing is to boil it first until the temperature inside the meat reaches 70 degrees Celsius, boil it for 30 minutes," said Tikno.

Other Reasons Why Washing Meat Is Prohibited?

I. Cross-contamination

As discussed above, washing raw meat can cause cross-contamination, namely the spread of germs and bacteria from the surface of the meat to other surfaces in the kitchen. Water droplets that have bacteria can spread to equipment, tissue, and hands that can then contaminate other prepared foods.

II. Processed Food Safety

Meat sold in supermarkets has usually gone through a strict food safety process, including proper processing and roasting.

Washing the meat can eliminate a natural layer of protection that meat may have after processing, increasing the risk of contamination.

III. Influence of temperature and time

Washing raw meat can stimulate the development of germs if room temperature allows. If the meat is left at the right temperature for the development of germs, the risk of food infection can increase.

IV. Low Contamination Rate

Most of the meat sold on the market has a low level of contamination when properly processed.

Washing meat does not significantly reduce the risk of existing bacteria, but it can actually generate additional risks.

Safe Steps In Processing Meat

Although direct washing of meat is not recommended, there are steps that can be taken to ensure the meat is safe and clean before cooking:

So after knowing whether goat meat needs to be washed or not, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!