IPSOS Survey: Shopee Live Is Still The Main Choice Of The Sales Feature For Local Brands And MSMEs

JAKARTA - Until the middle of 2024, shopping via live streaming is still a major attraction, even increasingly in demand by the public. His ability to reach various consumers makes e-commerce players in Indonesia, such as Shopee, TikTok, Tokopedia, and Lazada compete to present live streaming features that provide the best experience for consumers, especially in creating sustainable impacts and benefits for the businesses of local brands and MSMEs.

The IPSOS survey entitled Tren Live Streaming E-commerce for Sellers in 2023, shows the situation and state of the digital market in the third quarter period in 2023. Involving sellers from local brands and MSMEs in Indonesia who take advantage of various live stream features in the marketplace through the IPSOS Online Panel, this survey discusses several important indicators and aspects that local brands and MSMEs pay attention to in choosing live streaming features for selling.

Based on the survey, it was noted that Shopee Live was still the main choice of the live streaming feature that local brands and MSMEs liked the most that year. The indicators include:

Shopee Live is at the peak of popularity as a leader in the live streaming feature indicator that local brands and MSMEs (Top of Mind - TOM) remember best with a percentage of 77 percent, far beyond its closest competitor Tiktok Live (19 percent).

Meanwhile, in the live streaming feature indicators most often used by local brands and MSMEs (Brand Used Most Often - BUMO), Shopee Live occupies the top position with a percentage of 72 percent, far compared to its closest competitor TikTok Live (26 percent). Furthermore, in Market Share, Shopee Live (82 percent) is also the platform most chosen for sales needs of local brands and MSMEs, far beyond its closest competitor TikTok Live which is only 18 percent. Executive Director of IPSOS Indonesia, Andi Sukma said, at the end of 2023, his party saw how the presence of Shopee Live dominated the live streaming market for sellers. In 2024, the world of e-commerce was colored by significant changes, the increasingly dynamic challenges to the emergence of new players.

"If we look back at the surveys that IPSOS has conducted, Shopee Live has become a superior live streaming feature in various important aspects seen by local brands and MSMEs, such as providing the best service and providing the largest turnover improvement. So that if Shopee continues to maintain and improve the benefits of this feature for sellers, this year Shopee Live is predicted to still dominate the live streaming feature of local brand and MSME selection among other e-commerce," he explained, quoted Wednesday, June 12.Tren live streaming which continues to show significant influence and development, bringing changes to the landscape of competition, both in the sales business or the e-commerce industry itself. As one of the leading market research companies in the world, IPSOS sees this phenomenon as interesting to discuss.

Looking at the current situation on the ground, IPSOS will take a deeper look at the trend of live streaming in 2024, with the complexity of issues and changes in regulations that are currently being discussed. So, from the current players, who is the e-commerce feature whose live streaming feature is the seller's favorite choice in providing the best turnover and increasing interaction with potential consumers?

The success of Shopee Live in presenting superior interactive services makes it the main choice for local brands and MSMEs based on the IPSOS survey at the end of 2023. Then, what aspects are sought and affect the preferences of sellers in choosing the live streaming feature on the e-commerce platform, the distribution of their preferences is as follows:

Live streaming feature with satisfying services for sellers and buyers

Live streaming has become a trend in increasingly popular spending in the e-commerce industry over the past few years. One of the main advantages of live streaming lies in its ability to present direct interactions between sellers and consumers. Through live streaming, local brands and MSMEs can communicate in real-time, answer questions, and provide direct information to consumers. These features and services are able to create more than just buying and selling activities and bring closeness between sellers and consumers.

According to IPSOS survey data at the end of 2023, Shopee Live shows a significant advantage in providing the best service for local brands and MSMEs with a percentage of 67 percent, far ahead compared to TikTok Live (25 percent), Lazada Live (5 percent), and Tokopedia Play (3 percent).

This is in line with the findings of the IPSOS survey, where Shopee Live (63 percent) is considered by local brands and MSMEs as live streaming with the best interactive features, followed by TikTok Live (25 percent), Lazada Live (7 percent), and Tokopedia Play (6 percent).

The advantage of the live streaming feature in providing different shopping experiences for consumers, this also has an impact on local brand turnover and MSMEs. In comparison between e-commerce platforms, more than half of local brands and MSMEs (67 percent) admit that Shopee Live provides the biggest turnover improvement for their businesses. Far beyond its competitors such as TikTok Live (25 percent), Tokopedia Play (4 percent), and Lazada Live (4 percent). Not only has an impact on turnover, Shopee Live was also selected by the sellers as the best live streaming feature (67 percent) for their businesses, followed by TikTok Live (26 percent), Tokopedia Play (4 percent), and Lazada Live (3 percent).

This is a live streaming feature that contributes to business growth

The IPSOS survey at the end of 2023, local brands and MSMEs in Indonesia that use the e-commerce live streaming feature, revealed that Shopee Live with 64 percent dominates the position as a live streaming feature that best helps local brands and MSMEs grow. This figure far outperforms other e-commerces such as TikTok Live (27 percent), followed by Lazada (6 percent) and Tokopedia Play (3 percent).

There are also other aspects of advantage in Shopee Live, namely in providing education to sellers. As many as 65 percent of local brands and MSMEs consider the educational program offered by Shopee Live to be very useful and help sellers.

This shows a commitment to the platform in providing sellers who join knowledge and expertise in order to gain optimal profits in live streaming sales. In addition, the adoption of similar programs in other e-commerce is still far behind, with TikTok Live (28 percent), Lazada Live (5 percent), and Tokopedia Play (3 percent).

"With these data, it can be concluded that Shopee Live is the main live streaming platform for local brands and MSMEs. Shopee Live answers various important aspects needed by sellers in developing their business and provides the largest turnover results for local brands and MSMEs," said Andi Sukma, Executive Director of IPSOS Indonesia.

Despite the shift in shopping habits for the people of Indonesia, Shopee Live continues to innovate and deliver the best offers for local brands and MSMEs to win competition in the digital market.

If Shopee Live continues to innovate and develop its potential and technology, it is believed that this live streaming feature will be able to maintain its position as a live shopping platform chosen by today's sellers which provides great opportunities for local brands and MSMEs. This live streaming trend is also predicted to continue to grow, and of course it can be a form of new and more interesting competition to be a concern among e-commerce platforms in Indonesia.