What Is An Echelon Official In The ASN System? This Is An Explanation, Levels, Salaries To Allowances

YOGYAKARTA Can echelon officials be understood as government employees with ASN status or civil servants who have positions according to the level of employment in state institutions.

Meanwhile, echelon itself is a status of position level applied to the staffing of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Because it relates to the status of the position level, it means that there are echelons with the lowest to the highest level in the ASN staffing structure. For more details, see the following explanation.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), echelon has two meanings, one of which is the level of office in organizational structure.

Echelon's understanding is also explained in Government Regulation (PP), namely No. 13 of 2002. It is said that echelons are structural positions in government agencies for civil servants (PNS).

The echelon position itself is filled by ASN or civil servants with their respective structural positions in each government agency. Although both are called echelons, each level of office has different duties, responsibilities, authorities, and rights.

As explained earlier, echelon is related to its level in the ASN structure. The following is the echelon level from the highest to the lowest.

Echelon I is the highest structural position in the ASN staffing system. There are two echelon I ranks, namely IA and IB. The task of echelon I is to establish the main policy. Several positions include echelon I, for example the chairman, secretary jendra, director general, and many more.

The second-highest echelon II structural position after echelon I. Echelon II rank is also divided into two, namely echelon IIA and IIB. The three echelon II is planning and implementing strategies for the development of the main policies of certain regions. Some positions that include echelon II, for example the Head of Bureau, Head of the Center, Secretary of the Agency, and so on.

This structural position also has two long levels, namely echelon IIIA and IIIB. The task of echelon III is to make preparation and realize the derivation of the strategy compiled by echelon II. Examples of positions that include echelon III such as the Head of Section, Head of Division, Secretary of the Service, and many more.

Echelon IV level is the lowest number two from below in the structure of government agencies. Similar to other levels, echelon IV also has two rank levels namely IVA and IVB. Examples of positions that enter echelon IV such as Head of Sub-Section and Section Head (Kasi).

Echelon V is the lowest structural position in government agencies. Unlike other levels, in echelon V there is no panteng level. This echelon task is usually related to operations and supervision. Examples of positions that fill this level are Supervisors and Executors.

Each echelon has a different basic salary and allowance. The government regulates echelon's basic salary in PP No.5 of 2024.

The allowances obtained by each echelon official are also different. The following is the number of echelon allowances based on PP No. 26 of 2007.

In addition to echelon, it is also recommended to find out the list of civil servants in Indonesia.

That's information related to what echelon officials are. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.