Vina Murder Case In Cirebon, West Java Police Examine 68 Witnesses

The West Java (West Java) Regional Police have examined 68 witnesses related to the murder cases of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon. This was done following a number of irregularities related to the determination of the suspect after 8 years of this case passing.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol Jules Abraham Abast, said that the dozens of witnesses were questioned, some even underwent forensic psychological tests.

"So far, investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the West Java Police have examined approximately 68 witnesses and asked several experts for help," Jules said in a statement, Tuesday, June 11.

Jules revealed that currently the West Java Regional Police have conducted forensic psychological tests on Pegi Setiawan, the main perpetrator in the murder case of Vina and Eky. The examination was carried out at the request of the West Java Police Ditreskrimum to complete the investigation into the case.

"We from the West Java Regional Police hope that the forensic psychological examination will further shed light on the criminal events that occur and complete the ongoing investigation process," said Jules.

He said forensic psychological examinations were also carried out not only on the suspect Pegi, but also on several witnesses, including the family of Pegi Setiawan.

To ensure the forensic psychological examination method, the West Java Regional Police involves external parties who are expected to be strong clues in handling the case. Of course forensic psychological examinations will develop depending on the need. In the future there are approximately three witnesses who we will carry out forensic psychological examinations," said Jules.

Jules further stated that the investigation process had been carried out professionally and ensured that the case would be disclosed transparently. "Currently, Kompolnas and Komnas HAM have been monitoring the ongoing investigation process," he said.