Monday Morning Mount Semeru Erupted, Vomitting Incandescent Lava To Smoke Eruption

Mount Semeru in Lumajang, East Java erupted again (eruption) accompanied by incandescent lava avalanches reaching 2,500 meters on Monday, June 10 this morning. Vomitting incandescent lava out of the crater of the peak of Mount Semeru for a dozen times.

Dalam rekawan CCTV warga di Desa Supiturang, Kecamatan Pronojiwo, terpantau guguran lava injar terlontar dari puncak gunung tertinggi di Pulau Jawa ini.

Based on a periodic observation report from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) at the Mount Semeru Monitoring Post periodically for the last 6 hours since 00:00 - 06:00 WIB, it was observed that 13 incandescent lava avalanches had occurred with a sliding distance of 1,000-2,500 meters to the southeast or a breakout.

In addition, smoke eruptions also occurred 26 times with a column height of ash reaching 200-600 meters leaning towards the south and southwest. In seismicity, PVMBG also recorded several eruptions, avalanches, gusts, harmonic tremors, deep volcanic to distant tectonic vibrations.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Yudhi Cahyono, said that until now the status of Mount Semeru is still at level III (Alert).

"Mount Semeru emitted incandescent lava 13 times of smoke up to 26 times. Status is still level III (Alert)," he said.

However, he said there were no reports of an impact on the intensive volcanic activity. "The impact is currently non-existent," said Yudhi.

However, Yudhi still appealed to the community around the mountain slope to remain alert for incandescent lava, especially at night. In addition, the public is also asked to comply with PVMBG's recommendations regarding the safe distance limit in carrying out activities both from the peak and from the lava river, which has the potential for cold lava floods and volcanic ash rain.