RCTI Clarifies Atta-Aurel Application Impressions: No Violations And Positive Examples For The Young Generation

JAKARTA - Group Corporate Secretary Director of MNC Group, Syafril Nasution, clarified the live broadcast of Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar's marriage proposal program which was broadcast by RCTI on Saturday, March 13.

This clarification came after protests and criticisms from the National Commission for Broadcasting Reform (KNRP) because it was considered to have violated the public's right to get quality broadcasts.

According to Syafril Nasution, RCTI wanted to showcase the diversity of Indonesian wedding cultures. Hopefully, Aurel and Atta's marriage proposal procession can be a positive example for the younger generation.

"This broadcast is also very helpful for people who want to witness the marriage proposal procession, especially in a pandemic situation", said Syafril Nasution in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, March 15.

Moreover, he continued, Aurel and Atta are public figures who have many fans. "The public definitely wants to know their activities, especially if this is a positive activity such as proposals and marriages that are sacred to the people of Indonesia", he said.

Syafril said there was no violation of the screening of Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar's marriage proposal processions. The broadcast is also based on public interest.

"It is hoped that there will be no differences in treatment for public figures, children of officials, or the public, all to answer the needs of viewers", said Syafril.

Previously, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) summoned a television station broadcasting a procession of marriage proposals for celebrities Arta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, Saturday, March 13.

The summons has been scheduled through a letter sent by KPI to a broadcasting institution, namely RCTI, on Monday, March 15.

The Coordinator of KPI's Broadcast Content Monitoring, Mimah Susanti, said that there have been many complaints from the public regarding the broadcast of the event.

"KPI has received complaints from the public through suggestions that the complaints will be followed up by KPI as stipulated in the law. The process is ongoing, Monday, God willing, the letter has been sent", said Mimah when contacted by VOI, Sunday, March 14.

KPI, continued Mimah, is waiting for confirmation of the broadcasting institution's willingness to attend. Where later we will ask for an explanation of why to show the marriage proposal program for the children of artists Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti.

"We are still waiting for confirmation of the presence of the relevant television station. Later we will ask for an explanation of the broadcast programs, including the program schedule in the form of a pamphlet", explained Mimah.