Telan Rp124.6 Billion, Rehabilitation Of Jongke Surakarta Market Speeded To Complete July 2024
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the rehabilitation of the Jongke Market building in Pajang Village, Surakarta City, Central Java Province (Central Java).
The acceleration of Jongke Market completion is carried out in order to support the improvement of service facilities and convenience of people's economic activities in fulfilling the distribution of basic necessities.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said Jongke Market rehabilitation had begun to be carried out by the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR since July 2023 with the implementing contractor PT Sinar Cerminy Perfect.
"Currently, the construction progress has reached 91.5 percent with the target of completion in July 2024," said Basuki in his official statement, Saturday, June 8.
It is known that Jongke Market rehabilitation came from the 2023-2024 State Budget amounting to Rp124.6 billion for structural, architectural, infrastructure and electrical mechanics work.
"The market building stands on an area of 17.414 square meters with a 3-story building design, consisting of 1,601 kiosks, stalls and workshops," he said.
Basuki said the distribution of each floor consisted of 40 kiosks and 7 mill kiosks and 669 stalls and 16 coalesce stalls. "Furthermore, the 2nd floor consists of 88 kiosks and 477 stalls. For the 3rd floor it is used as a culinary kiosk as many as 32 units and 19 workshop units and 253 courtyards," he said.
According to Basuki, Jongke Market rehabilitation is adjusted to environmental harmony that maintains local wisdom values, so that traders and buyers feel comfortable.
"With the progress of the construction of the market building which has entered the final stage, it is hoped that it will be completed according to the target and immediately handed over to the Surakarta City Government. Thus, it can improve trading facilities in meeting the daily needs of the community and also become a source of Regional Original Income (PAD)," he added.