Police Control The Extradition Process Of Fugitive Number 1 Thailand Chaowalit

JAKARTA - Head of the International Relations Division (Hubinter) Inspector General of Police Krishna Murti said the National Police team was down to guard the extradition process or repatriation of Thai number one Chaowalit Thongduang alias Sia Pang Nanode alias Sulaiman to their home country.Krishna said the National Police deployed 10 members to guard the extradition process. The police officers came from Bareskrim Polri and Hubinter. "The Fugitive number 1 Thailand was escorted by 10 members of the National Police," said Krishna in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 4. The repatriation process took place at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, picked up by Thailand using a special plane. "Vowalit was picked up by a special plane from Bangkok," he said.Exemption process, he said, took place at 15.00 WIB at Soetta Airport. Chaowalit was arrested by the joint team of Police in Bali on May 30, 2024. The Thai fugitive number 1 entered Indonesia since December 8, 2023. The most searched fugitive escaped from the Thai prison on 22 October 2022 during a dental treatment permit at the hospital. Chaowalat's escape was assisted by his colleagues who were drug kingpins. Before escaping, Chaowalat had time to forge Thai police members. From Thailand, Chaowalit fled to India, then to Indonesia via Aceh waters on December 8, 2023. The National Police received a request for red notice Chaowalat from Royal Thai Police on February 16, 2024. Then hunt down his caught existence in North Sumatra. After being investigated on May 20, Chaowalit had moved to Bali for vacation. During his escape period, Chaowalit pretended to be silent because he could not speak Indonesian or English. In communicating with those who accompanied him using Google translate application assistance. Previously, Kareskrim Polri Komjen Pol. Wahyu Widada, Sunday (2/6), said that Chaokitat's arrest was an implementation of the cooperation between Police to Police with the police in several ASEAN regions, one of which was the same agreement, he said, was an attempt to create a conducive, stability area for each country. The three-star police officers said this was important work was made as conveyed by President Jokodo

The President's message was followed up by the National Police Chief who conveyed to his staff that cooperation or coordination is the key to dealing with transnational crimes as a common enemy. "Following up on the direction of the President and the affirmation of the National Police Chief, on May 30, 2024, the joint team of the National Police consisting of the Division of Hubinter, Bareskrim Polri, Ditreskrimum Polda North Sumatra and Polda Bali, in collaboration with Royal Thai Police succeeded in arresting fugitives who were considered number one in Thailand," Wahyu said.