Get Export Green Light, Freeport Please Permit To Publish This Week

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) hopes that the government can immediately issue export recommendations.

With the issuance of these recommendations, PTFI can only export copper concentrate.

As is known, the government has given approval for the extension of the PTFI copper concentrate export license until December 31, 2024.

The decision is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 6 of 2024.

PT Freeport Indonesia's EVP External Affairs Agung Laksamana said that until now his party has not been able to export copper concentrate because a special permit for PTFI has not been issued by the government.

"Currently it is still progress. So maybe from the government who asks for help as soon as possible," said Agung at the DPR RI Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 3.

Agung hopes that the government, in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, can issue export recommendations as soon as possible.

"Hopefully this week as soon as possible. Then we will get an export recommendation permit from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. We will try to do everything according to the procedure," he said.

For your information, exports of raw minerals including copper concentrates have been banned from exports since June 10, 2023. However, PTFI received export relaxation until May 2024 because the construction of smelters in Gresik had not yet been completed.

Then, the government decided to approve the export extension from June 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

Previously, PTFI President Director Tony Wenas again expressed the company's desire that the relaxation of copper concentrate exports would be extended until the purification or smelter facility was fully operational.

"We hope that the relaxation of export copper concentrate can continue until the smelter is fully operational," said PTFI President Director Tony Wenas in a statement to the media, Tuesday, November 28.

Tony said he was optimistic that the second PTFI smelter would start operating at the end of May 2024 and gradually ramp-up full production until December 2024.