Tomorrow Sunday, BMKG Performs Rukyat Hilal Awal Syakban 1442H

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) will carry out the early rukyat hilal of Syakban 1442H on Sunday, March 14 at the earliest sunset in Waris (Papua) at 17.50 WIT or 18.50 WIB in Sabang (Aceh).

Head of the Center for Technical Seismology, Potential Geophysics and Time Signs of the BMKG, Rahmat Triyono, said that the conjunction or ijtimak at the beginning of the month of Syakban 1442 H occurred Saturday, March 13 at 17.21.05 WIB.

According to him, because some parts of Indonesia conjunction / ijtima occur after sunset, BMKG will carry out rukyat hilal tomorrow. "With data on the height of the new moon, it ranges from 9.92 degrees in Merauke (Papua) to 11.29 degrees in Calang (Aceh)," he explained in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 13.

Elongation ranges from 10.77 degrees in Waris (Papua) to 12.06 degrees in Banda Aceh (Aceh). The age of the month ranges from 22.48 hours in Waris (Papua) to 25.49 hours in Banda Aceh (Aceh).

The lag ranges from 44.26 minutes in Merauke (Papua) to 49.84 minutes in Sabang (Aceh). The FIB ranges from 0.89 in Waris (Papua) to 1.11 percent in Banda Aceh (Aceh). This month, BMKG will hold rukyat in 22 locations in Indonesia.

The mechanism of the rukyat hilal to determine the beginning of the Hijri month by the BMKG is by utilizing a computerized telescope combined with information technology.

When the observation is carried out, the dimness of the hilal light will be recorded by a detector mounted on the telescope which automatically follows the changing position of the moon on the western horizon.

With information technology, the data is sent directly to a server at BMKG Pusat, where it is then stored and disseminated throughout the world via

Based on data on the early hilal of Syakban 1442 H on March 14, 2021, atsronomic science and record data for the hilal of Syakban 1442 H has the potential to be observed.

However, the hilal may not be observed if the weather conditions are not possible, that is, if the western horizon is cloudy or rainy, thus blocking the telescope's point of view to the position of the hilal.

The wider community can also see the hilal that determines the beginning of Syakban 1442 H on Sunday afternoon, March 14, 2021 by live streaming by accessing the BMKG page Officers look at the position of the hilal during rukyat hilal activities at IAIN Madura, Pamekasan, East Java,