Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs: It's Time For Indonesia To Have A Coast Guard

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto said it was time for Indonesia to have an Indonesian Coast Guard to maintain security, safety and law enforcement at sea.

According to Hadi Tjahjanto, President Jokowi since 2014 has prepared the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) as an Indonesian Coast Guard embryo.

For this reason, it is necessary to harmonize a number of laws to eliminate overlapping marine security rules.

"Currently what we are doing in the field is multiagents, there are several bodies, but we still synchronize them in one function," Hadi said after attending a working meeting with the Special Committee on the Draft Law (RUU) on Maritime Affairs at the DPR building, reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 3.

In the Marine Bill, 11 articles have been included related to Bakamla have been prepared. The government hopes that later the agency can carry out investigations related to marine problems and their activities are directly under the president.

"So that the problems at sea will be easier," said Hadi.

He explained that so far there are several ministries and institutions that handle problems at sea. However, these ministries/agencies have their respective data related to marine problems that create confusion.

"We will get one advantage, namely getting benefits from this security, so it's not long-winded," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of the Special Committee for the Maritime Bill on the DPR I Amin said that the success of the development of the marine sector in a country is supported by maritime security.

Therefore, synergy and coordination between institutions is very important to achieve the development of the marine sector.

According to Amin, a number of countries in the world have a coast guard with their respective policies. However, there are also countries that do not have a coast guard, but can coordinate various institutions in their country as a function of protecting the sea.

"This institution will later be under the direct president or the ministry, this is an option," he said.

In addition, Amin also emphasized the need for a judiciary that specializes in dealing with marine problems because institutional integration is needed to become a strong marine security institution.