Take Care In Old Age, Let's Get To Know This Heart Disease Insurance

JAKARTA - Heart disease is a cause of death that is often found in both developed and developing countries. Therefore, nowadays more and more people have the awareness to buy insurance for critical illness or heart disease in anticipation of financing.

Heart disease can not only affect the elderly, but also those of productive age. This is because the demands of life and productivity are very high nowadays.

For example, working hours are not balanced with a healthy lifestyle. This has certainly caused many people to experience health problems since they were young.

BPJS Health data shows that there is an increase in health costs for heart disease. This means that heart disease patients are always increasing from year to year. In order to anticipate that you are more alert, it's best to observe the characteristic symptoms from an early age.

The American Heart Association notes, there are typical symptoms of heart disease to watch out for. Well, in most cases, this coronary artery disease makes the sufferer chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, and even fatigue.

Not only that, the symptoms can also be a palpable heart, or a slow heartbeat. Patients can also experience dizziness, fever, heart rhythm changes, and swelling in the arms, stomach, legs, or around the eyes.

If you have experienced various symptoms as above, consult a doctor immediately. If it's too late you will experience complications that can occur such as heart failure.

The difference between health insurance and critical illness insurance

Regular insurance provides the benefits of the sum insured according to the calculation of the guarantee. Meanwhile, critical illness or heart disease insurance provides cash at the same time when the insured needs immediate treatment.

This is because people with critical illnesses certainly need longer continuous care. Thus, the sum insured is given at once and according to diagnosis. The goal is to make it easier for patients to pay for their treatment while they are still sick.

Illustration. (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

Summarized from various sources, Friday, March 12, before you decide to buy critical illness insurance, there are a number of things that you understand to know:

1. Research before buying

Before buying, you can search for ailments that are inherited in your family. If your family has heart disease, buying this critical insurance product can be considered. Because, not infrequently critical illnesses such as heart disease can be passed down from parents to children and grandchildren.

Meanwhile, the registration age for cardiovascular or critical disease insurance is usually a minimum of 1 month to 60 years.

If you are interested in buying critical illness insurance, in Indonesia there are several insurance companies that provide critical illness insurance products, especially heart disease.

For example, PT AXA Mandiri Financial Service (AXA Mandiri) has launched an insurance product for people with heart disease. This insurance is called Mandiri Heart Protection (MHP).

MHP Insurance will provide coverage for customers who are diagnosed with a heart attack or stroke or have died due to any cause. MHP insurance will also be available for people aged 18-55 years with a maximum coverage of up to 65 years of age. Premium costs range from IDR 70 thousand to IDR 1.17 million per month.

If you take premium fees per year, the premium costs are around Rp. 700 thousand to Rp. 11.5 million per year with benefits that can be obtained by customers ranging from Rp. 50 million to Rp. 250 million.

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Customers can also get a premium refund of 105 percent of the total premium that has been paid in the last 10 years, provided that the policy remains active.

In addition, the AIA insurance company also has insurance products for Critical Illness and Life Protection. They offer critical illness and life protection benefits up to the age of 99, with a choice of 10 years or 20 years of premium payment.

You can get a benefit of the sum assured if there is a risk of being diagnosed with one of the 60 types of critical illness (including angioplasty surgery).

In addition, you can also get additional insurance for minor critical illnesses with protection against 58 Minor Critical Illnesses of 100 percent of the Sum Insured for Minor Critical Illnesses (25 percent of the Basic Sum Insured, a maximum of IDR 1 billion). The choice of protection period can be adjusted based on your needs, starting from the age of 65 to 85 years.

2. Study the critical illness list

Every insurance company has a list of critical illnesses to be covered, so there will be some differences. So, before deciding to buy, you can first study and determine whether heart disease has been included or not in the critical illness list on the insurance.

The requirements of each insurance company are usually different. Before deciding to buy a heart disease insurance product, you can first compare several insurance companies that offer similar critical illness protection.

3. Claim the sum insured

Several insurance companies apply different rules regarding claims of sum insured. Guarantee can be given from the early stage of the disease. For example, if you are diagnosed with cancer, there are several steps to clear the claim.

Claims will also be disbursed according to the diagnosis and severity, this is why insurance usually requires a biopsy for a more accurate cancer diagnosis. Claims will also be seen from the insured's survival period.

For example, if you as the insured has a critical illness with a survival period of seven days, if the patient finally dies before seven days, then the claim will be rejected because it has not passed the survival period according to diagnosis.

4. Protection Period

Some insurance companies also provide a protection period of up to 100 years. However, there are also those that provide protection for only 85 years.

Therefore, before buying you can choose in advance for how long the insurance period will be. If you need heart disease insurance with a long period of protection, choose the longest period or lifetime.

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