NU To Muhammadiyah Get Mining Concession, Gus Yahya: This Is President Jokowi's Brave Step

Chairman of PBNU Kiai Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya opened his voice regarding the Indonesian government which will grant the Mining Business Permit Area (WIUP) to Religious Organizations, such as for example Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to Muhammadiyah.

Gus Yahya said that granting mining permits for mass organizations was a bold step from President Joko Widodo to expand the use of natural resources for the benefit of the people.

"This policy is a bold step that is an important breakthrough to expand the use of state-controlled natural resources for the benefit of the people more directly," said Gus Yahya in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, June 3.

For this decision, Gus Yahya expressed his gratitude to Jokowi for the expansion of the granting of mining permits to religious organizations.

"PBNU is grateful with high appreciation to President Joko Widodo for his affirmation policy to provide concessions and mining business permits to religious organizations, including Nahdlatul Ulama," said Gus Yahya.

For NU, said Gus Yahya, this is a responsibility that must be carried out as well as possible so that the noble goal of the affirmation policy is truly achieved.

"Nahdlatul Ulama is ready with qualified human resources, complete organizational devices and strong enough business networks to carry out these duties and responsibilities," said Gus Yahya.

NU itself, he said, has a network of organizational apparatus that reaches the village level as well as community service institutions in various fields that are able to reach grassroots communities throughout Indonesia.

"It will all be an effective channel to bring the benefits of economic resources that the government mandates to Nahdlatul Ulama to manage them," he continued.

He ensured that NU would prepare a business structure and management that would guarantee professionalism and accountability, both in the management and utilization of the results.