Don't Neglect, This Is A Guide To Choosing Health Insurance For Children

JAKARTA - Nobody knows what will happen in the future. However, everyone must have the risk of falling ill.

Health insurance is one of the things that can be prepared to minimize large costs due to the risk of illness. One of them is health insurance for children.

For your information, health insurance for children has the same system as health insurance in general, but not entirely the same. Health insurance for children is specifically designed for children.

Examinations that are covered by health insurance are routine health checks, eye examinations to immunization costs. It is different for each insurance, but usually child insurance covers children starting from a few days or months from birth.

Meanwhile, the claim payment system is not much different from general health insurance. There is a cashless system, and a reimbursement.

The premiums offered on child health insurance also vary and depend on the type of protection chosen. The more complete the protection provided, the more expensive the premium that must be paid.

With so many enthusiasts and increasing public awareness of the need for insurance for children, many insurance companies in Indonesia are issuing health insurance products for children.

One of them, PRUMy Child, issued by Prudential Indonesia. This insurance protects your child from womb to birth and adulthood. This means, this product also protects the risk of financial losses that occur due to the risk of complications in pregnant women and during or after childbirth.

Before you buy health insurance for children, consider the following things:

1. Birth history

Quoted from on Friday, March 12, birth history can determine whether a child needs health insurance or not. Because, the birth history can have an influence on the health condition of the child in the future.

For example, premature birth, lung conditions that are not fully mature, weight is below average and so on. If there really is a special problem in the delivery process, then you should provide health insurance for the child. So that all risks of financial loss due to medical costs can be anticipated.

2. Extra medical allowance

A person can receive some medical benefits, for example from the government or your place of work. The clause for this health benefit is different for each providing institution.

However, there are several companies that provide comprehensive health benefits for employees and their families (including their children).

If you do get this allowance, it would be a good idea to check further. If these benefits are sufficient to cover the risk of possible losses, then you do not need to purchase health insurance for children separately.

3. Allocation of funds

The need for health insurance for children is closely related to the allocation of funds that you have. Ideally, for your protection needs, you can set aside 10 to 20 percent of your income.

For example, the combined family income is IDR 25 million, then you can allocate IDR 2.5 million to IDR 5 million for insurance needs, both personal and / or family health insurance to motor vehicle insurance.

If the budget is no longer available for the needs of the child, then you can cover other, less urgent protections or adjust your own protection. You can also take advantage of BPJS Health membership and optimize preventive measures so that children are always in a healthy condition.

Tips for Choosing the Best Health Insurance for Children

If you decide to buy health insurance for children, then there are a few tips that can help. First, the cashless claim payment system will be more profitable because you don't need to worry about costs and procedures for submitting claims for reimbursement.

Second, have a variety of options so that you can adjust your needs and abilities. Third, choose a wider hospital network. Because, it can make you get treatment faster and anywhere.

Fourth, health insurance which also provides investment facilities can be useful for your children in the future, for example for education funds. Finally, choose a trusted insurance company that has a good track record and good reputation.