Foreign Tourist Dies After Falling On Bukit Anak Dara Rinjani

LOMBOK - A foreign tourist with a Swiss nationality, Melanie Bohner, had a fatal accident while climbing. He was declared dead after falling on the hill of Anak Dara, Mount Rinjani area, Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB)

"The victim fell into a ravine allegedly due to slipping while climbing Bukit Anak Dara," said Sembalun Police Chief AKP Wahyu Indrawan in Mataram, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, June 1.

As a result of the incident, the victim died and is currently being evacuated by the joint SAR Team.

"Currently an evacuation is being carried out by the SAR Team," he said.

The incident occurred when the victim and his partner were climbing in Bukit Anak Dara. Then when climbing, the victim suddenly slipped and fell.

"It is suspected that the victim died because he slipped and fell into a ravine," he said.

He appealed to the public or tourists who climb to remain vigilant and careful, so that there are no events that can harm their own lives.

"Stay alert when climbing," he said.