10 Thousand Durian Musang King Trees Spread By Sigo Regency Government To Kulawi Raya

JAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Sigi, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), continues the Musang King durian development program in the Kulawi Raya area. The development of the Musang King durian type is one of the flagship programs of the Sigi district government. "This year we are doing another 10 thousand trees to be distributed in the Kulawi Raya area, namely Kulawi, South Kulawi, Lindu and Pipikoro," said Head of Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Sigi Rahmat Iqbal, Saturday, June 1.

"So for durian development activities in Sigi Regency, it is a flagship program of Sigi Regent Mohamad Irwan Lapatta," he said. He hopes that the development of the Musang King durian can be a supplier of fruits to the State Capital (IKN) in Kalimantan. "Hopefully the development of this durian as a foundation so that in the future Sigi can supply the needs of fruits, especially durian to IKN, so that it is hoped that these efforts will be a strengthening of empowerment to farmers in the Kulawi Raya region," he said. Quoted from ANTARA, in the future the assistance of durian seeds will continue to be evaluated and monitored regarding the success rate of harvest. "This assistance can certainly be utilized and maintained until harvest because this can provide benefits to improving income and welfare of farmers, especially in the Kulawi Raya region related to the development of the Musang King durian," he said.

Meanwhile, Sigi Regent Mohamad Irwan Lapatta hopes that by 2025 Sigi Regency can become a durian supply area to the State Capital (IKN), so that his party continues to develop durian commodities in improving the economy of farmers and the Sigi community in general. He also hopes that in the future in Sigi, plantation seed centers must be formed so that it makes it easier and saves regional budgets for taking durian seeds, coffee and cocoa from outside the region. "In the future, Sigi Regency must have a seed hall for plantations so that there is no need to take seeds away from outside the area such as from Magelang, so that later from the seed center it can distribute durian seeds to farmers," he said.