Attorney General's Office In Garut Set 4 Suspects In Cattle Corruption Cases In Garut

GARUT - The Garut District Attorney, West Java, continues to investigate the criminal case of corruption in the social assistance of cattle from the Ministry of Agriculture to livestock groups in Garut Regency, West Java.

"If it is (a new suspect), see the progress, see later," said Head of the Garut Prosecutor's Office Sugeng Hariadi in Garut quoted by Antara, Friday, March 12.

The Attorney General's Office has named four suspects in the criminal case of corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture's cattle social assistance (bansos) given to livestock groups through the local district government.

"We can't mention their exact identities, it's just that they are commitment-making officials (PPK) and entrepreneurs," said Sugeng.

According to him, the suspects have returned the state money in the alleged corruption case amounting to Rp200 million of the total loss of Rp800 million.

Sugeng emphasized that his staff continued to try to uncover the case, including the case of the ministry's cow assistance which had long been processed.

He hopes for support from all parties to resolve all cases of corruption or actions that harm the public or state money.

Previously, the case of the cow assistance began to be investigated in 2015, then stopped. The investigation was resumed in 2019.

The aid from the Ministry of Agriculture was worth IDR 2.4 billion which was submitted to the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Affairs of Garut Regency, then given to two groups of breeders in this area. The assistance provided was in the form of 120 cows.