[BUSINESS] Mardani H. Maming | Regarding Business And Political Relations As Well On The Contrary

Mardani H. Maming started many things at a young age. That was the key to how Maming achieved so many things today. Maming told how his company was bigger than his age figure. Maming also expressed his view, why young people should not only be politically literate, but also actively participate.

Maming is now 39 years old. His name is classy as a businessman. Maming currently holds the position of Director of PT Batu Licin Bina Usaha. Maming also leads PT Maming Enam Sembilan (MESMINERAL) and PT Batulicin Enam Sembilan Group as CEO. There are approximately 40 corporate entities that are now under Maming. More than the numbers at his age.

Maming explained a principle he holds about career achievement. There are two career paths that he takes. In each route, Maming set targets as well as compiled the phases. What we caught about Maming from this conversation was that the target was never playing games.

Problem of the first line: business. Maming targeted himself to be "into the top 100 in the top 100." The phase that he must pass along this route is to take each of his companies to the open stock market or IPO. "That's an achievement for me if I want to be an entrepreneur."

Mardani H. Maming in an interview with VOI

Maming has a deep meaning about business. For him, business is a necessity of life. And struggle, of course. This point of view, according to Maming, should be disseminated. Why do we need more young people who are in business? It's not just about money, but also character. Maming said, there are too many pragmatic young people today.

"Why? Because we are instructed how we can provide for ourselves, for our families and for others. By doing business we can succeed, we can hire people."

"And from business we also provide for everything that is our responsibility. So in my opinion, we even need to teach Indonesian children to become entrepreneurs. Don't think after graduating from high school that you want to enter, apologize, want to become civil servants, civil servants or become soldiers or become police. "

Mardani H. Maming

Maming's business failure

Maming has never failed. The first failure that had a big impact on his career as an entrepreneur was when he was cheated in the mining business he was in. "In the past, my first mining business was trading. After that, trading because I trusted people, the stones were loaded into the barge, after they were loaded, it turned out that the person did not pay."

"In the end there is the mistake of being too trusting without any black-and-white ties, finally not getting paid. Now that has also become an experience. Many more business businesses that I used to make, failed all over again, try again until finally successful."

There were many other mistakes and failures that Maming noted in his business development. When starting out, for example. Maming didn't suddenly start a mining business. The first time he entered, Maming held his father's company in the port and mining stockpile sector.

Maming immediately failed at his first try. No kidding, the family company went bankrupt because of him. "The family company went bankrupt. The stone count should have been in the stockpile of 20 thousand, after loading there were only about five thousand. That means a loss of 15 thousand.

"It was immediately our family went bankrupt. That's where I felt guilty to my family, where I was given the trust as the family's foundation to continue the family business, but I actually wasted that opportunity."

Mining business illustration

Even so, Maming's subconscious was already formed as a warrior. The thing he realized later, about why he didn't want to give up, was how his father had educated him as a businessman since he was a child. Maming said, in his childhood he was already selling ice cubes.

This is actually a bit strange, considering that Maming's father is a village head, a figure who according to Maming has a high degree in his environment. However, that is how the father educates his children, which inspires Maming to enter politics in the days to come.

From that failure I learned to solve his problems. And I am consistent in what I do. Starting from 2000 I worked in the mine until now 2021, which means 21 years.

Mardani H. Maming

In 2001 Maming started his mining business again. This time from zero. Maming started by re-establishing ports. He serves loading and unloading fertilizers, manages the fertilizers and distributes them to other people's oil palm plantations.

"Bring it yourself. Ngantar himself to the warehouses until he finally returns to have a coal port. Finally crawled. Crawled until he grew up like now. From that struggle I don't want to be a second mistake again."

Get into politics

In 2010, Maming had set a milestone in his political career by becoming the Regent of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan. At that time, Maming was 29 years old, making him break the MURI record as the youngest regent. Politics is the second path in his career path.

The seat of the Maming regent was occupied for two terms: 2010-2015 and 2016-2018. Maming resigned in the middle of his second term to take part in the 2019 Pileg. However, the position was called Maming as a description of his youthful spirit.

Maming while serving as Regent of Tanah Bumbu (Instagram / @ mardani_maming)

It also proves that many people want to become regional heads, but become regional heads when they are, in my opinion, old age. If I think backwards. I wanted to be a regional head but at a young age. Why? Because I will be able to help more people. I can work stronger and more swiftly because maybe I am still a young person. That is my mindset.

Mardani H. Maming

Maming did not want that spirit to become a monopoly on his thinking. Maming, who is currently the Chair of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) for the 2019-2022 period, admitted that he was aggressively 'indoctrinating' young HIPMI members to not only be politically literate but also actively participate. Maming is aware, however, that the political path is the fastest path of change.

Not just talking. Maming admitted that the position of Regent of Tanah Bumbu opened his eyes. Through this position, Maming can help more people through the policies he has made. Some of it is detailed. From that position Maming built a free health and education system, two things that are very crucial in people's lives.

In the health sector, Maming established a free medical treatment policy for third-class facilities. In the field of education, Maming allocates the APBD to subsidize all children so that they can attend free school to high school. "The people of Tanah Bumbu Regency get free treatment only by bringing ID cards ... What used to be (school) from the center is only covered up to junior high school, I bear high school because it is subsidized."

"In politics, many people used to say what politics is. Politics is evil. But in politics there are also great virtues.

Mardani H. Maming

"For example, when I was a businessman in Tanah Bumbu, many mothers came to the place where I wanted to give birth or their children wanted to go to school. Because I am a businessman I can only help at least one or two people in one day. Can't help everyone. But after I took power, took politics, I became the Regent of Tanah Bumbu, I can do more good through policies. "