Zulhas Responds To The Supreme Court's Decision Amid Rumors Of Kaesang Advancing For The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election: Politics Is Indeed So

JAKARTA - PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) responded to the Supreme Court (MA)'s decision regarding the revocation of the age limit for regional head candidates for at least 30 years.

The verdict is close to rumors of President Joko Widodo's youngest son and PSI General Chair, Kaesang Pangarep running for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"I haven't read the Supreme Court's decision yet, I haven't seen it, yes. But if the general chairman of the party, Mas Kaesang, wants to run for anything, politics is like that," Zulhas told reporters, Friday, May 31.

According to Zulhas, the party chairman should have run for public officials. Because he said, politics intersects with two things, namely the executive and legislature.

If the head of the political party does not want to run for executive, Zulhas suggested that he be the chairman of a community organization (ormas).

"If you become the general chairman of this nominated party, you don't want to, you don't want to, it's called the head of a mass organization. If it's politics, he must run for regent, governor, vice president, president, political struggles are two, legislative executives," said Zulhas.

"If you don't want to fight there, don't fight in the political field, people can just become the general chairman of mass organizations of mass organizations or mass organizations," he added.

For information, the Supreme Court (MA) announced the request of the General Chairperson of the Garuda Party, Ahmad Ridha Sabana. This is related to the regulation of the age limit for regional heads of at least 30 years to be revoked.

The decision was contained in Decision Number 23 P/HUM/2024, which was decided by the Chairman of the Yulius Assembly, with Member of Assembly 1 Bright Bangun and member of Assembly 2 Yodi Martono.

For information, the minimum age limit for Cagub and Cawagub as stated in Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter d of General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 9 of 2020, the Supreme Court states that it is contrary to Law (UU) Number 10 of 2016.

From this decision, the Supreme Court has changed what was originally Cagub and Cawagub were at least 30 years old, which has been calculated since the appointment of candidates to be after the inauguration.

On that basis, the Supreme Court asked the KPU to revoke Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter d of PKPU Number 9 concerning the Nomination of the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and/or Mayors and Deputy Mayors.