NTB Police Handles Marine Ecosystem Damage Case In Gili Trawangan

The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police handled a report of a case of damage to the marine ecosystem in the Gili Trawangan waters, which had an alleged impact from drilling activities for the installation of pipes belonging to PT Tiara Cipta Nirwana (TCN).

Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Rio Indra Lesmana, said that his party had not received any information related to the handling of the case that came from the community group.

"To be clear, we will coordinate again with the Special Crimes regarding the existence of the report," said Kombes Rio as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 31.

The community group that reported this case came from Surak Agung, North Lombok. The report was submitted on May 13, 2024.

Chairman of North Lombok Surak Agung Wiramaya Arnadi confirmed that it was his party who reported the case to the NTB Police Ditreskrimsus.

Following up on the report, the NTB Police asked him to provide clarification as a reporter.

"It is true, today it is scheduled for me to provide clarification regarding the report. However, it was postponed to Monday (3/6)," said Wiramaya.

His party reported damage to the marine ecosystem in the Gili Trawangan waters. He asked the NTB Police to reveal the party causing the loss.

"According to the findings from the BKKPN, there are about 1,660 square meters affected. So, someone must be responsible for the damage to coral reefs there," he said.

Regarding these findings, the National Water Conservation Area Center (BKKPN) Kupang, Gili Trawangan, Meno, and Air Working Area (Teramina) confirmed that the environmental impact of 1,660 square meters was the result of an investigation by his party and the joint team.

"So, we carried out this investigation starting from a community report. We conducted an investigation by forming a joint team," said Martanina.

The joint BKKPN team involved the North Lombok Police Unit (Satpolairud), non-governmental organizations, divers practitioners, Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (PSDKP) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the NTB region, and environmental services.

In a field check on May 8, 2024, he said, the joint team took samples of water quality and mudflows that were thought to have come from drilling waste for the installation of PT TCN pipelines.

Martanina said the joint team found a number of problems that were suspected to be the cause of damage to the marine ecosystem in Gili Trawangan waters.

From the comparison of data from field results on May 8, 2024, with December 8, 2023, the coral reef ecosystem around the drilling area is getting worse.

"Data on December 8, 2023, coral reef cover is still quite good with a percentage of 38.5 percent. The results on May 8, 2024, the condition of coral reefs is very bad, only 2 percent," he said.

In fact, from the results of the field, the joint team found that there was sedimentation of mud at the bottom of the waters with a thickness of up to 1 meter.

"So, the drilling emitted mud. When drilling, they (PT TCN) used lubricants, temporary suspicions that the cause of damage to coral reefs was from there," he said.

PT TCN is a private company that collaborates with PDAM Amerta Dayan Gunung, North Lombok Regency, in providing clean water in the Gili Trawangan tourist area.

The company provides clean water from sea water distillation by applying the Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) method.

The operation of PT TCN in the tourist area has been strengthened by the issuance of a permit from the NTB One Stop Integrated Licensing Investment Service (DPMPTSP).