Suspicious Of Torture Of Detainees, Golkar Legislators Support Komnas HAM's Proposal To Install CCTV In The Police Investigation Room
JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi supports the proposal of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the installation of surveillance cameras (CCTV) in the police detention room.
Apart from the examination room, he also suggested that CCTV be installed in the cells of the detainees. The goal is to avoid torturing the tortured.
"I agree, but the CCTV installation should not only be in the examination room, it must be in other rooms as a whole. Because many detainees are often tortured in cells by other inmates because they feel they are more senior and have territory," said Andi Rio in his statement in Jakarta, Friday March 12.
CCTV installation should not only be activated during inspection, but must be active every second so that its function can be maximized. This is because, the Golkar politician continued, many surveillance cameras were only active at the first time they were installed, but the rest were damaged due to lack of supervision and maintenance.
"Don't let the CCTV only serve as a display in the corner of the examination room," said Andi Rio.
On this suggestion, he hopes that the National Police can evaluate the process of examining a person. This is because the criticism conveyed by Komnas HAM must be accepted in order to create an institution that is professional, precise and loved by the public.
Previously, the PPP faction lawyers agreed with the Komnas HAM proposal as a means of monitoring the legal process.
"In the context of a dignified and fair law enforcement process and to fulfill the principles of correct due process of law in carrying out law enforcement duties, Commission III agreed with Komnas HAM's request to have CCTV in the examination room. This will indeed be a means of monitoring the process. the law is going on, "said PPP Deputy Chairman Arsul Sani to reporters, Thursday, March 11.
It is known, Komnas HAM encouraged Polri to install surveillance cameras in all examination rooms up to the level of Polsek to prevent torture during interrogation.
Komnas HAM member Choirul Anam assessed that CCTV in the examination room at the Polres level was not evenly installed, even though it was important for the benefit of the legal process.