List Of Sanctions Not Participating In Tapera For Entrepreneurs And Workers

YOGYAKARTA The Tapera contribution policy that applies to employees and employers as employers has drawn criticism. The question is that there are sanctions not participating in the Tapera which will be applied?

As is known, the obligation of workers to participate in the Tapera program has been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 which is a revision of Government Regulation No. 25 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Tapera.

The obligation of Tapera contributions by the community in the rules is accompanied by provisions and sanctions for those who do not comply. Sanctions can be imposed on workers and employers because both parties are both charged with fees even with different amounts.

Tapera contributions that must be paid by workers are 2.5 percent while the amount of contribution charged to employers is 0.5 percent. Specifically for companies, according to PP 21 of 2024, Tapera contributions are deposited no later than 10 in the following month.

Those who violate the provisions of Tapera contributions will receive various sanctions. Sanctions that do not participate in Tapera itself vary, such as receiving a written warning and even revocation of business licenses. The following are some sanctions that do not participate in Tapera for workers.

In addition to independent workers, employers will also be penalized if they violate the Tapera provisions, which is as follows.

The administrative sanction stages given to employers will go through the stages, namely as follows.

It should be noted that the sanctions for not participating in Tapera are listed in PP Number 25 of 2020. This rule applies because PP Number 21 of 2024 which is a revision of the previous regulation does not regulate or does not change the provisions related to sanctions for participants who do not pay Tapera contributions.

That's information regarding sanctions not participating in Tapera. Visit to get other interesting information.