Ministry Of Transportation Summons KNKT For Bus Accident Evaluation In Sumedang

SUMEDANG - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Director General of Land Transportation (Dirjen Hubdat), Budi Setiyadi, directly visited the location of the Sri Padma Kencana tourism bus accident in Sumedang, West Java. The process of evacuating victims from the vehicle that fell into the ravine continues.

"We, together with the Police, the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), Jasa Raharja, Basarnas are already at the location. In the near future the Sumedang Police Traffic Unit will send cranes to facilitate the evacuation process. The road around the TKP will also be temporarily closed for smooth evacuation," said the Director General. Budi in his statement, March 11.

The number of bus passengers was 65 people with details of 39 survivors, 26 died, and 1 person died in the evacuation process. The location of the single accident was on Jalan Wado-Malangbong in Cilangkap Hamlet RT 01/06 Sukajadi Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency.

"The cause of the accident is still under investigation, while the information obtained is that there is a delay in the KIR test. I have coordinated with the West Java Provincial Transportation Agency because this is a provincial road, can guard rails be installed on this road or if the first class road can be replaced with concrete, "said Director General Budi.

Currently, there are still evacuations and further data collection on accidents. The victim was temporarily evacuated to the Wado Community Health Center for further treatment. From the preliminary data, information was obtained that the bus carried a group from SMP IT Al Muawwanah, Cisalak, Subang.

The temporary chronology obtained from the local police regarding this accident is that the bus drove from Malangbong to Wado. Until now, a number of related officers, including a team from the Directorate General of Land Transportation and the local police, are investigating the accident.