Deputy Chairman Of The HNW MPR Asked The Minister Of Education And Culture To Revise SKB On Uniforms

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) appreciates the attitude of Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim who will revise the 2020-2035 Education Roadmap by including religious phrases. Although the response from the Minister of Education and Culture is called HNW, it is slow.

"The attitude of the Minister of Education and Culture to revise the draft is the right step and should have been done. Before the public reacted, the Commission X DPR, a working partner of the Ministry of Education and Culture, has actually made criticisms since January 2021. Unfortunately there is no immediate positive response from the Ministry of Education and Culture, ”Hidayat said in his statement, If, March 12.

According to HNW, the Minister of Education and Culture is not sufficient to replace the constitutionalization of the mention of religious phrases in the draft.

When referring to Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it only mentions faith, piety and noble character. However, according to HNW, Article 31 paragraph (5) explicitly states 'religion', in relation to National Education, apart from mentioning the phrase 'culture'.

"Likewise, Law No. 20/2003 Article 1 point 2 explicitly mentions religion before mentioning that culture is associated with national education," he said.

Hidayat added that the constitutional reference not only mentions cultural phrases explicitly related to education, but also mentions religious phrases.

Therefore, according to him, the laws and regulations under it should be obliged to follow and not even make provisions that are inconsistent with the constitution and the law.

"This misunderstanding of thinking is felt by HNW, which is the basis of its various policies that seem to be allergic to the mention of religion," said the PKS politician.

Apart from PJP, this member of Commission VIII DPR hopes that the Minister's accommodative attitude towards the draft Education Roadmap is also applied to the Joint Decree (SKB) between the Minister of Education and Culture, the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs regarding religious-based school uniforms because it is not in line with the constitution.

"So, it is appropriate if the SKB which is not in accordance with Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is about education that enhances piety and noble morals, and is not in accordance with Article 32 paragraph (1) concerning the state that guarantees the community to maintain and develop cultural values, including in terms of dress, "said HNW.